Tailored Training Courses

September 4, 2023

Social Justice – An Intro

We live in an interconnected world and are influenced everyday by globalisation through the food we eat, the music we listen to, what we buy, what we drink, how and with whom we communicate, and how we live. Through this training, we will look at Globalisation – the issues, the opportunities and challenges – what brings the world together and how global issues and relationships (both seen, and unseen) are relevant to youth work in Ireland.
June 15, 2023

Global Youth Work – online learning module

The National Youth Council of Ireland in collaboration with Maynooth University has developed a new interactive online learning module on Global Youth Work. The module includes animations, interviews with youth work sector and Global Citizenship Education stakeholders, tools and resources addressing three key areas - Understanding Globalisation; Principles and Practice; & a transformative youth work practice model.
May 25, 2023

NUI Certificate in Youth Arts

Part-time course in Youth Arts practice delivered in partnership by the National Youth Arts Programme and Maynooth University. The NUI Certificate in Youth Arts aims to introduce those working in the youth sector to the concepts, principles and practice of youth arts using a context and practice approach.

Accrediting body: NUI Maynooth, Dept of Applied Social Studies
May 15, 2023

Information Session for Boards of Management on Children First

This information session is provided by the NYCI Child Protection Programme upon request to Boards of Management in the Youth Sector. It is not a training, but a 1-hour information session to support Boards of Management to familiarise themselves more broadly with child safeguarding and child protection.