Mindout: Promoting Social and Emotional Wellbeing: A Programme for Young People in Youth Work Settings
This 2 day interactive training is based on the evidence based MindOut resource developed in 2004 and recently revised by NUI Galway and the HSE Health and Wellbeing Division with support from NYCI. The resource was developed to support the social, emotional and mental wellbeing of young people.
Social and emotional wellbeing has been shown to contribute to young people’s academic outcomes, their social development, their capacity to contribute to the community, and their ability to secure employment in adulthood. Social and emotional wellbeing is a protective factor against a range of health problems. There is an extensive amount of international evidence demonstrating that social and emotional wellbeing programmes can produce long-term benefits to the health and wellbeing of young people and provide the skills base for the prevention of a wider range of problem behaviours such as substance misuse, emotional distress, disruptive behaviour and risky health and sexual behaviours.
The programme focuses on the development of 5 core competencies for social and emotional learning: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management and responsible decision-making. All participants will receive a copy of the MindOut 2.0 resource pack.