What is it?

The youth mental health signposting tool aims to provide young people, parents, caregivers, and those working with young people, with reliable up to date information on where to access supports and services at both a local and national level for a variety of mental health issues.

To use it, simply select the issue affecting your mental health or the mental health of the young person you are supporting and the area in which you live.


You can narrow your search by choosing a region, a service offered, or both.

Abbeyfeale Bereavement Support Group

Free Support group service for people who are suffering the pain of bereavement, providing a welcoming and supporting environment with necessary literature and booklets for attendees.

Access Counselling abd Counselling Advisory

Access Counselling offer one-to-one general counselling available to all ages for a wide range of issues. Each session lasts approx. one hour. A low-cost option is available.

Addiction Response Crumlin

Addiction Response Crumlin (ARC) is a community-based organisation. It was set up in 1996 to respond to the drug crisis in the Crumlin area of Dublin. Over the years, ARC has developed a comprehensive and integrated set of treatment, support and rehabilitation programmes. Counselling available. Free – For young people dealing with drug addiction, be that personally or in their family.

Advocates For Autism

Advocates for Autism (AFA) is a local registered
charity founded by a group of parents of children
with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and based in
County Wexford. They aim to make a difference
in the lives of local children by promoting an
awareness and understanding of autism. The
group also organises workshops and social activities.

Aíseiri Treatment Centre

Residential and community programmes for people dealing with alcohol, drug and gambling addiction to find help, counselling and specialist support to get the help they need. Provides a range of treatments for people with addictions, their families or anyone affected by addiction. Provide a 28-day residential programme for adults over 18. Provide a detox unit for adolescents followed by a 42-day residential treatment programme. Provide secondary care in their Waterford unit followed by a continuum of care programme up to two years post treatment. Fees covered by private healthcare: VHI, LAYA and AVIVA. Grants are also available from the department of social community and family affairs, HSE and probation and welfare services. Management payment plans can also be arranged.

Aiseiri- Aislinn Centre

Provides unique, quality treatment for young people between the age of 15 and 21 years living with the destructive impact of alcohol, drugs and/or gambling. At Aiséirí Aisling they believe in the priceless potential of young people and work closely with families to help them understand more about addiction so that they can support their loved ones win back bright futures. There is a charge associated with the service


offers support for women in crisis pregnancy, new mothers especially those who are at risk of homelesness. Provide supported, temporary accommodation, life-skills, intensive key-working, peer to peer support and counselling. Free service

ARC Family Resource Centre

ARC Family Resource Centre is a place for all to belong, to grow and develop together in order to improve the quality of life for children and families in Adamstown, Clonroche, Raheen and surrounding areas. The Family Resource Centre offers services such as Adult and Adolescent Counselling and Play Therapy, Community Education and Parenting Programmes, Homework Club, Food Cloud supports etc

Ard Family Resource Centre

Offers one to one counselling as well as group counselling at low cost, deliver educaiton and training opportuniti+O156es, information advice and support to target groups and families, advice on accessing rights and entitlements and offer referrals to mainstream services

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Nationwide Services


Pieta off a free phone crisis HELPLINE available 24/7 providing support to people who are suicidal and those self-harming @ 1800 247 247. Text line also available @ 51444 by texting HELP.
Pieta also offer a range of therapeutic services, these can be booked by calling 0818 111 126.
Find information about their services around the country by visiting here https://www.pieta.ie/contact/

Rainbows Programme

The 12–14-week Rainbows programme supports children and young people up to 18 years of age affected by loss because of bereavement, separation or divorce. The service is available in local communities throughout Ireland. Check for a location near you by checking their website here https://www.rainbowsireland.ie/public-centres/.
The service is free.


Samaritans provide a 24/7 Freephone HELPLINE 116 123 for people (18 years and older) distressed or in despair, including feelings that may lead to suicide. Support is also available by email, text, letter or by visiting one of their centres around the country. Details on their website of location of centres and opening hours. Find details on the closest Samaritan Centre to you here https://www.samaritans.org/ireland/branches/


Shine is the national organisation that addresses the rights and needs of people, 18 years and older, who are affected by mental ill health. For people experiencing severe depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia it provides a counselling service in Cork and Dublin. Shine also provides email support for people not ready to attend counselling (phil@shineonline.ie). It has an education programmes for people who are experiencing mental illness and for their families / carers and members of the community. It has Regional Centres in Dublin, Cork and Waterford. Finally it’s Regional Development Officers located across the country provide further support to people experiencing mental ill health, to their families and to the community at large.


SpunOut is a comprehensive Youth information website created by young people, for young people, including information on mental, physical and sexual health and information about local services. 16–25-year-olds

St. Patricks Mental Health Services

St. Patricks Mental Health Service telephone and email service is staffed by experienced mental health nurses 9-5 Monday to Friday with an answering and call-back facility outside hours. It is for the general public with a mental health query about themself or someone else. They also run an Information Centre (10-5 Mon- Thu and 10-4 on Friday with late night opening until 7pm on Wednesday) which provides guidance and help in accessing the most relevant mental health information and services across the country as well as information on support groups and service user rights and entitlements. There are also a range of self help books for sale in the Centre.

Suicide or Survive (SOS)

SOS endeavours to challenge the stigma attached to mental illness and provide a range of educational and therapeutic programmes that increase understanding of suicide and play an active role in its prevention in Ireland. Check their website or phone them for course details. Cost applies.

Teen Line

The ISPCC operates Teenline, a national active listening service for children and young people up to the age of 18 in Ireland.
Teenline can be contacted 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, by calling 1800 833 634.
The service is free to contact and is confidential, non-directive and non-judgmental

Nationwide Results

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The development of the YMHS tool

In 2015, the NYHP recognised the need to capture the voice of the sector in more depth through a rapid mental health needs assessment. One of the key findings from the Mental Health Needs Assessment was the need to support organisations, practitioners, and young people to access appropriate services. The Youth Mental Health Signposting tool was developed in response to this need.

The tool was revamped in 2024 to meet the emerging needs being communicated to the NYHP by Youth Workers and other professionals through consultation and engagement in the programme’s training and workshops.

We endeavour to keep this tool up to date. However, we are aware that new services and initiatives are being developed and launched all the time.

If you have a new service or an existing one not currently on the tool that you believe should be included, please add your information below.


Many thanks

The National Youth Health Programme would like to acknowledge the time, input and resources provided by a range of organsiations which contributed to the development of Youth Mental Health Signposting tool.


The content of Youth Mental Health Signposting is provided for information purposes only. The National Youth Council of Ireland is not responsible for any interaction or outcomes between a client and a service provider listed. The NYCI does not endorse any professional or programme included in it map.