National Health Promotion Strategy
The National Health Promotion Strategy (2000-2005) identified a range of population groups, settings and topics for health promotion action. This strategy clearly named youth organisations and the out-of-school settings as having an essential role in promoting health with young people.
Children and young people were identified as priortity population groups and the youth sector was identified as a key setting for health promotion. Specifically, a strategic aim was “to continue to develop and promote the role of health promotion within the youth sector”, while one of the objectives was to “facilitate youth organisations and relevant bodies to address the health needs of young people identified as being ‘at risk’.”
This strategy identified the National Youth Health Programme as continuing to have a key role and responsibility for the provision of health promotion training for groups and youth workers using both a topics and settings approach.
Definition of Health
Health is the extent to which an individual or group is able, on the one hand, to realise aspirations and satisfy needs; and on the other hand, to change or cope with the environment… A resource for life, not an object of living; it is a positive concept emphasising social and personal resources as well as physcial capabilities. WHO 1986
Health promotion is:
the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health. WHO 1986
- Physical health
- Mental health
- Social health
- Emotional health
- Spiritual health
- Sexual health
- Societal health
- Environmental health
To empower individuals and communities towards better health through supportive environments.
Health Promotion is aimed at:
- Individuals
- Communities
- Organisations
- Populations
- Health Issues
- Advocacy
- Mediation
- Enablement
- Health Education
- Organisational Development
- Community Development
- Policy Development
- Research
- Professional Development
- Legal and Economic Regulation
NYCI Youth Health Promotion Manual
This manual aims to introduce those working with young people to good practice in health promotion. It is designed to be used by:
- Anyone working with young people with an understanding and appreciation of youth health
- Participants on the Specialist Certificate in Youth Health Promotion
- Organisations undertaking the Health Quality Mark
- Those undertaking specific National Youth Health Programme training
- Those engaged in youth health-related programme delivery
- Those engaged in youth health-related policy development
Guidelines on Health Promotion
This model provides a framework for the development for health promotion practice and policy of youth organisations and acknowledges the underlying necessity for good practice in this area at all times.
This model is a cyclical model and each stage in the cycle is related to the next. No stage should be addressed in isolation e.g the implementation of any programme is informed by effective planning and appropriate needs assessment.
Furthermore, each stage is directly related to the policy and good practice which underpins every aspect of this work within youth organisations.