Welcome to this Irish Youth Health Promotion Bibliography. This is a comprehensive bibliography of published and unpublished studies, post-graduate theses, and other research studies related to youth health promotion in the youth work sector in Ireland. We are very grateful to the Health Promotion research centre based in NUI Galway for their support in collating this bibliography of research studies.
This bibliography will act as a foundation for an in-depth evaluation of Irish research on youth health promotion. It will assist in identifying gaps in policy and practice, planning future projects and reduce duplication of research.
Parameters of the Bibliography
The bibliography contains only Irish Studies within the context of the following parameters:
- Population: Young People aged between 10 and 25
- Dimensions of Health and Wellbeing: Physical, Mental, Social, Sexual, Spiritual, and Emotional, and these are viewed in a range of context from Social through Societal to Environmental.
- Health Promotion: “the process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve their health” (WHO 1986).
- Youth Work: “A planned programme of education designed for the purpose of aiding and enhancing the personal and social development of young person’s through their voluntary participation, and which is (a) complementary to their formal academic or vocational education and training and (b) provided primarily by voluntary youth work organisations” (Youth Work Act 2001).
We recognise that research on youth health promotion in the youth work sector is multi-disciplinary; therefore the bibliography also contains research from disciplines such as psychology, youth and community work, community development, sociology, nutrition, drugs and alcohol, physical activity, sexual health, mental health, medicine, education, health education and health promotion and others.
Report on the Bibliography Project
The National Youth Health Programme together with the Health Promotion research centre based in NUI Galway have collated a bibliography of research studies related to youth health promotion in the youth work sector in Ireland.
It is our hope that this database will map the extent of existing research and identifying gaps in policy and practice. The bibliography will also assist in planning future projects and reduce duplication of research.
If you wish to have your study included in this bibliography please contact:
Senior Project Officer
National Youth Health Programme
3 Montague Street
Dublin 2