One World Week:

Youth, Power & Planet Summit

In order to make change we need to understand the balance of and shift in power at all levels in our society. One World Week 2020 looks at tackling the theme of power. Understanding power is at the core of youth work in supporting young people’s development as they navigate through their lives and society. One of the main core values of youth work is empowerment. The road to empowerment for a young person can be a challenging, emotional, and a testing experience for both the young person and youth worker.

What is important is the four elements of Power (knowing, seeing, claiming, and activating power) and how this connects with young people and youth work in Ireland.

Resource: Building Back Better: Youth, Power and Planet

This toolkit explores the issue of power and helps you make links to the Sustainable Development Goals.

It is designed for global educators, youth workers, development education practitioners, trainers, climate activists, changemakers of all shapes and sizes but in particular those working with the current generation of young people.

Videos from the Summit

Watch the promotional video

An Intro to Racial Injustice

Seminar 1: Harnessing Young People’s Power

Seminar 2: Racial Justice & Development Education

Funded by

One World Week is funded by Irish Aid, Concern Worldwide, and Trócaire.