Welcome to One World Week 2024.  This year, we are putting hope at the centre of the story, to celebrate connecting people for an inclusive planet.  

Over the course of the week, we are inviting young people, youth workers, volunteers, youth leaders, managers, educators, and the broader youth sector to explore what a sustainable future means for us all through the Sustainable Development Goals.   

The Sustainable Development Goals offer a way to address inequality, improve health and education, tackle climate change, preserve our oceans, forests, and build strong community.  They provide a framework to look at issues from personal, local, national, and global angles. 

For this OWW, we will get inside the Sustainable Development Goals and bring them to life in your work.  We want to empower you with the tools and inspiration to tackle inequality, come join us! 

1. Youth Summit: Exploring Connections

Join young people from across Ireland for a celebration of yourself and other young changemakers. This year’s youth summit invites you to explore how you and your community can work together to make the world a place where people are encouraged and celebrated for being who they are. 

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2. ‘Stop! Wait a Minute’ Young People’s Committee: Critical Reflection Tool for Media Discussion & Launch

We are delighted to invite you to an online discussion with guest speakers on bringing critical reflection skills to engaging with social media, co-hosted by the Young People’s Committee (YPC). The YPC are launching a new resource developed between the YPC and the Youth 2030 Team at the National Youth Council of Ireland.

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3. SDG Youth Worker Fest

The heart of this festival is about coming together! So that we can bring the SDGs to life and find our voice in addressing inequality. All of this will happen inside an arena that brings you closer to global economics, culture, the environment, political forces, and technology. Helping you make sense of the sustainable future of the planet and how this can impact your work with young people.  

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4. Youth Voice: Advancing the Youth Development Agenda

For this event, we are joined by youth contributors from across the globe to share their experiences and insights, particularly on the themes of a sustainable future for us all. We will share ideas on mobilising the voices of young people and advocating for meaningful engagement at government level and advancing the youth development agenda.

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