YOUth have the POWER!
November 23rd – 29th 2020
This year’s One World Week theme is power.
Throughout the week you will hear from young people and youth organisations on how Power has played an important role in their lives.
You will join young people and youth workers for fun interactive activities, exciting performances, important discussion on the lives of young people, the SDGs, and taking action!
One World Week 2020 is a collaboration with our member organisations, Irish Girl Guides, Youth Work Ireland Galway and the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland and Kelvin Akpaloo and the Climate Youth Artivists alongside our Youth 2030 partners.
One World Week 2020 is funded by Irish Aid.
In order to make change we need to understand the balance of and shift in power at all levels in our society. This year’s One World Week looks at tackling the theme of power. Understanding power is at the core of youth work in supporting young people’s development as they navigate through their lives and society. One of the main core values of youth work is empowerment. The road to empowerment for a young person can be a challenging, emotional, and a testing experience for both the young person and youth worker.
What is important is the four elements of Power (knowing, seeing, claiming, and activating power) and how this connects with young people and youth work in Ireland.
One of the many highlights from this year’s One World Week will be the three Youth Power Summits taking place during the week of November 23rd – 29th. The Summits will focus on three strands that include power and young people across Ireland: education, environment, and solidarity.
Throughout the week we will hear from young people and youth organisations on how Power has played an important role in their lives. It will bring young people together for fun interactive activities, exciting performances, important discussion on the lives of young people, the SDGs, and taking action!
All events
Youth 2030 is a partnership between NYCI and Irish Aid, working in consortia with Concern Worldwide, Maynooth University and Trócaire to deliver Global Youth Work and Development Education to the youth sector.