European Youth Work Agenda – The Bonn Process
What is the Bonn Process?
The Bonn Process is a joint effort to bring the European Youth Work Agenda to life in each of the National contexts. Not only does it give us an opportunity to shine a light on the amazing youth work we do here in Ireland, but it also gives us an opportunity to identify areas for further improvement and investment.
What we do to help the youth work sector get involved
- Raising awareness of the Bonn Process and consulting the wider sector though a series of webinars focused on “Bringing Youth Work to the next level”.
- Researching the unique ingredients of Irish youth work through our “Bonn Appetit” mapping and identifying areas for improvement to bring Irish youth work to the next level.
- Support for the sector in collaboration with key stakeholders through our “Inspiring Future Youth Workers” project.
Bonn Appetit report
The Bonn Appetit report was written as part of our work on the Bonn Process. The report captures the unique ingredients of Irish Youth Work using a menu as a metaphor e.g. starters as relationship building, main course as the developmental programmes and desert as what happens next e.g. young people as leaders. Overall the report gives the reader a flavour of our Michel Star youth work in an Irish context.
Virtual Gallery
This gallery is an opportunity to showcase some of the wonderful youthwork that is happening across Ireland.
What you can do
Please support us to support the youth work sector by;
Capturing the stories of youth work
Share your unique and valuable reflections and insights on the sector as well as the guiding lights that you think will bring us towards a better future for youth work though this short survey:
Share your work in our Virtual Gallery
We’ll be promoting a virtual gallery providing innovative examples of your youth work in an Irish context. The hidden gems, the magical moments, the proud productions, publications and the golden nuggets that youth work students, stakeholders and other practitioners will be inspired by! (video links, podcasts, web pages, artwork and other creative forms can be displayed in our virtual gallery).
For more information and to stay up to date on the Bonn Process in Europe please visit
The National Youth Council of Ireland is the national contact point for The Bonn Process here in Ireland, working in partnership with the Department of Children Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
(DCEDIY) and Leargas.