International Programme


Expand Your Horizons, Have Your Say and Make Youth Work Go Further

NYCI supports young people’s involvement in international activities, youth work and youth policy.

We aim to facilitate and promote the involvement of youth organisations and young people in international activities and to encourage youth organisations to include an international dimension to their youth work, through creating opportunities for sharing of best practice in youth work and facilitating international collaboration. We advocate and lobby on International and in particular European youth policy to ensure young people have an opportunity to add their voice to decisions that affect young people, their youth organisations and their future.

MEET Project: Level UP

NYCI has been working with the European Youth Forum within the auspices of the MEET Project to promote the Level UP campaign in Ireland.

Level Up is all about engaging young people more with the upcoming European Elections and empowering them to reflect on what democracy means to them and how they can mobilise to highlight youth issues within the coming European Election.

Shared Island Youth Forum

The Shared Island Youth Forum brought together 80 young people aged 18 to 25 from North and South across all communities meeting in a deliberative process over a year to set out their visions and values for a shared future on the island. It was organised by the Department of the Taoiseach in partnership with the National Youth Council of Ireland and Youth Action Northern Island.

Young Voices: EU Youth Dialogue

In Ireland the EU Youth Dialogue is delivered by NYCI through the Young Voices programme.

By using dynamic and innovative approaches in our engagement with young people and those who work with them we fulfil the objectives of the EU Youth Dialogue.

Encouraging participation, promoting equal participation, including diverse voices, strengthening young peoples citizenship competences and sense of belonging and ultimately brining about positive change.

European Youth Work Agenda –
The Bonn Process

 The European Youth Work Agenda, facilitating connections and cooperation to strengthen and further develop youth work throughout Europe

New interactive online learning module on International Youth Work

National Youth Council of Ireland and Léargas in collaboration with Maynooth University have developed  a new interactive online learning module on international youth work.

The module is hosted on, a hub for curated resources for the youth work sector and students. It includes animations, interviews with relevant youth work sector stakeholders, tools and resources.

International News

Apply Now! – Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellowship

Calling young people aged 16-18! NYCI have an opportunity to nominate young people to an exciting opportunity in the United States. Deadline: 12th February 2025   […]

Represent Young Voices – EU Youth Dialogue at the National Youth Assembly

Are you interested in joining the exciting National Youth Assembly as a Young Voices - EUYD Rep?   A unique opportunity for two young people who […]

Join our Young Voices Core Group for our New Cycle!

Are you interested in joining the exciting new Young Voices Core Group?    A new cycle is beginning for the EU Youth Dialogue under the theme […]

International Publications

We Need Youth – Young Voices EU Youth Dialogue Cycle 10

This report is the result of a consultation process facilitated by the National Youth Council of Ireland (NCYI) as part of its Young Voices – EU […]

Bonn Appetit – Bonn Process

The Bonn Appetit report was written as part of our work on the Bonn Process. The report captures the unique ingredients of Irish Youth Work using […]

Young Voices Report 2023

This report was compiled through a consultation with young people, as part of the Young Voices - EU Youth Dialogue process in Ireland. The focus of […]