Good Practice Guidelines: How to Score your Progress 

Once you tally these scores together, your journey position can be identified. Your scores can be interpreted into a stage at which your group or organisation is at, and you can map your progress on your Global Youth Work journey. Your self-assessment should take place on an annual basis. Remember that your journey is about continuous development rather than reaching conclusive endpoints. Looking at your overall score at any given time, you will be able to see where you feel your practice is stronger or may need further development. This could support you in deciding where to focus your energy over the next period of work.  

Ideally, you could carry out your scoring with a colleague or team, and the process of reflecting on and scoring your practice under the 15 indicators could be a learning experience for all involved.  

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Contact Information

If you would like to support undertaking the Global Youth Work good practice journey, support is available from NYCI’s Youth 2030 GYW team. For more information, please contact