Currently filtering all Youth Health Content by the Youth Health Programme

February 7, 2019

Mindout: Promoting Social and Emotional Wellbeing – Limerick

This 2 day interactive training is based on the evidence based MindOut resource developed in 2004 and recently revised by NUI Galway and the HSE Health and Wellbeing Division with support from NYCI. The resource was developed to support the social, emotional and mental wellbeing of young people.
February 7, 2019

Mindout: Promoting Social and Emotional Wellbeing – Galway

This 2 day interactive training is based on the evidence based MindOut resource developed in 2004 and recently revised by NUI Galway and the HSE Health and Wellbeing Division with support from NYCI. The resource was developed to support the social, emotional and mental wellbeing of young people.
February 7, 2019

Understanding Young People and Pornography – Galway

This interactive one day training aims to support practitioner’s understanding and knowledge of the topic of pornography and its implications for young people. Current research, legislation, the impact of media and good practice guidelines for organisations are some of the issues discussed on the day.
February 7, 2019

Mindout: Promoting Social and Emotional Wellbeing – Dublin

This 2 day interactive training is based on the evidence based MindOut resource developed in 2004 and recently revised by NUI Galway and the HSE Health and Wellbeing Division with support from NYCI. The resource was developed to support the social, emotional and mental wellbeing of young people.
February 7, 2019

Mindout: Promoting Social and Emotional Wellbeing – Drogheda

Young people have the right to realise their full potential, to grow and flourish within today’s society. To realise that right, we must support young people to enjoy positive mental health and wellbeing. MindOut was developed to support the social, emotional and mental wellbeing of young people.
January 30, 2019

Understanding Young People and Pornography – Donegal

This interactive one day training aims to support practitioner’s understanding and knowledge of the topic of pornography and its implications for young people. Current research, legislation, the impact of media and good practice guidelines for organisations are some of the issues discussed on the day.