National Youth Council

Currently filtering all National Youth Council Content by the National Youth Council Programme

April 15, 2024

State of our young nation: A report into the lives of Irish 18-29-year-olds

This report provides in-depth insights on the financial, social, and other substantial challenges young people face, alongside their views on opportunities ahead; from housing and mental health, to work and study, and considerations about staying or leaving Ireland. Its aim is to provide a solid evidence base for NYCI's policy and advocacy work moving forward.
March 7, 2024

New NYCI research shows role of youth work near universally valued by public

More than 9 in 10 adults believe youth work plays a role in helping young people integrate into communities. Research carried out by RED C on behalf of the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI), shows a near universal belief among the public that youth work organisations provide important non-formal education for young people in communities.