Equality And Intercultural

Currently filtering all Equality And Intercultural Content by the Equality And Intercultural Programme

April 13, 2022

Social Justice E-Learning Course

The Equality and Intercultural Programme in the National Youth Council of Ireland supports the youth work sector to develop responsive, equal, and inclusive youth work practice.This e-learning introduces youth workers and volunteers to key aspects of social justice and explains how it is a core principle of inclusive youth work.
February 22, 2022

Transforming Hate Manual & Activity Resource

'Transforming Hate 'educational tool and practice manual outlines an innovative new approach on how to transform hate in youth work settings. Focused on the youth worker, and their practice, it looks at self-awareness, taking a needs based approach, and building connections with young people though empathic listening. Here you can also download the companion to the manual is 'Beyond Hate', an activity resource for youth workers to use with young people to explore and transform hate in youth work settings.
December 13, 2021

Intro to Compassionate Practice in E-Learning Course

The Equality and Intercultural Programme in the National Youth Council of Ireland supports the youth work sector to develop responsive, equal, and inclusive youth work practice. This e-learning introduces youth workers and volunteers to a way of working with young people who cause harm or hate through hateful language and actions to those from (or perceived to be from) minority or marginalised identities.
December 13, 2021

Regularisation Scheme for Undocumented People 2021

NYCI is delighted with last week’s announcement of a regularisation scheme for undocumented people living in Ireland. The scheme, although limited to the next six months, brings rights and justice to about 17,000 residents, including 3,000 children and young people, who all call Ireland home. For many, it is their only home.