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March 22, 2023

8 Steps to Inclusive Youth Work – Training

Youth organisations can find it difficult to report on their inclusive youth work practice: “What should it look like?”; “Have we done enough?”; “Have we fallen short in some areas?”; “How do we do inclusion work in the context of other demands?”; “What are the key things we need to know to meet the key needs of minority and marginalised young people?”
December 13, 2022

Introduction to Transformative and Compassionate Practice in Youth Work E-Learning Course

The Equality and Intercultural Programme in the National Youth Council of Ireland supports the youth work sector to develop responsive, equal, and inclusive youth work practice. This e-learning introduces youth workers and volunteers to a way of working with young people who cause harm or hate through hateful language and actions to those from (or perceived to be from) minority or marginalised identities.