“When I was younger, I often felt lonely and isolated. I’m from Mizen Head in West Cork, the most south-westerly point in Ireland. The population is small, there’s not a lot of young people around and Cork, the nearest big city, is at least two hours away.
In the 1980s, my Dad was an activist, the type who was always at protests. So growing up, I was encouraged to stand up for what is right and to defend others. But there wasn’t much opportunity to get involved in campaigning or activism.
I turned my hand to hurling but it wasn’t for me. I tried table tennis for a while but what I really wanted was a chance to connect with like-minded young people who, like me, were interested in art, design and social justice issues.
In Transition Year, the YMCA came to do digital media workshops with us and I ended up getting more involved. It was so different to anything else on offer in my community at that time. I found a community of people who have the same interests and care about the same things as me.
Over time, I got more and more involved in the YMCA and, today, I still am, helping to amplify the voices of other young people.
Because of youth work, I felt connected and engaged with my world and my community. I made friends that I still see or talk to all the time.”
Youth services need to be properly funded – they are life-changing for thousands of young people like Mair. Will you add your name to this petition for more investment in youth work in Budget 23?