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Minority Voices for Brighter Futures 2.0

July 27, 2022 @ 10:30 am - 3:30 pm IST


Are you a minority ethnic young person – aged 14-24 – with something to say to the Irish Government about your lived experience, hopes for the future and how you wish to be supported?

NYCI’s Young Voices Programme is inviting minority ethnic young people to attend a special event in collaboration with the Department of Children, Equality, Integration and Youth on Wednesday 27th July 10.30am to 3.30pm in the Gresham Hotel, Dublin. Transport and lunch will be provided.

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth is currently working on the design and development of a new policy framework for children and young people. By sharing your views, they can help inform the next framework and what the government should focus on. See below for more info.

Will you join us in person to ensure that young people are heard and included?

If you would like to be part of this important conversation, please register below.




Free of charge


Wednesday 27th July 10:30am registration for 11am – 3:30pm.
Gresham Hotel, O’Connell St, Dublin City Centre
Deadline for Application Monday 25th July 1pm


At this Event we aim to:

  • Inform the Irish governments Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures (BOBF) National Policy Framework.
  • Join the EU wide consultation on ensuring an inclusive, and greener Europe.
  • Raise the voices of minority ethnic young people and have your ideas shared with the with National and European stakeholder.
  • Facilitate a collaborative dialogue between young people and policy makers to bring about positive change and recommendations in a concrete way.


Young people 14-24yrs who want to be more involved in shaping society and have their voices heard!
Also, an introduction for youth leaders/youth workers to the Youth Participation, Empowerment Deck.


  • NYCI International and Intercultural and Equality Team


NB Participation Consent Form for Under and Over 18yrs: You will be emailed a participation consent form that you will be required to fill in as the youth participant (this is necessary for Over and Under 18yrs).

For those under 18 parent/guardian consent form is also required to be filled in order to attend the event.

Please send this consent form to megan@nyci.ie by 25th July and bring the original on the day. Please note these consent forms must have a signature and not a printed name.

Reimbursement:  Bring your return public transport ticket to the event and we will reimburse you on the day. If you are unable to use public transport, please contact international@nyci.ie in advance of event to ensure that you will be reimbursed.

Measures that we put in place to minimise risk in relation to the ongoing COVID 19 situation:

NYCI is committed to taking the necessary precautions to maximise the health and safety of the participants and facilitators. Your decision to attend a face-to-face event must take into account all Government rules and guidance and your individual circumstances.

We will send a reminder email closer to the event and remind all those that have registered to NOT attend if you are showing any symptoms of COVID 19.

Use of Masks: Participants are welcome to wear masks during the training if they so wish, this is voluntary rather than mandatory so please be aware other participants may not be wearing masks.

Hand sanitiser will be available at the event.

Subject to Change: Measures are being continuously reviewed in line with public health COVID 19 guideline and are subject to change. Participants will be notified of any change.

This event is organised by the National Youth Council of Ireland’s International and Equality and Intercultural Team on behalf od DCEDIY.

DCEDIY More Information: The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth is currently working on the design and development of a new policy framework for children and young people, following the previous Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures. By sharing your views, they can help inform the next framework and what the government should focus on.

Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures covered children and young people aged 0-24, and adopted a whole-of-government approach. The framework adopted an outcomes-based approach based on five national outcomes for children and young people. These are:

  • Active and healthy with physical and mental wellbeing
  • Achieving full potential in all areas of learning and development
  • Safe and protected from harm
  • Economic security and opportunity
  • Connected, respected, and contributing to their world.

Feedback from these consultations will be used to inform the new framework which is in development. The report will not use your name, but location and affiliated groups may be used.

Equality and Intercultural Programme:

We provide a unique and innovative suite of training programmes, resources, policy development, advice, and networking opportunities. We have carried out research to support youth work organisations to engage more effectively with young people from minority ethnic backgrounds.

International Young Voices – EU Youth Dialogue In Ireland the EU Youth Dialogue is delivered by NYCI through the Young Voices programme.  By using dynamic and innovative approaches in our engagement with young people and those who work with them we fulfil the objectives of the EU Youth Dialogue. Encouraging participation, promoting equal participation, including diverse voices, strengthening young peoples citizenship competences and sense of belonging and ultimately bringing about positive change. Young Voices – National Youth Council of Ireland Report on the project: This is Young Voices. A model of youth democratic engagement – National Youth Council of Ireland

Youth Participation Empowerment Tool.  Young Voices – EU Youth Dialogue has produced a deck of cards which captures the essence of how they do youth participation. The aim of these cards is to support any group of young people who want to be involved in making positive change. The cards serve as a tool for guiding the process of pursuing change and highlighting key elements along the way such as the importance of connection among young people, with the wider community and with decision makers. The wonderfully creative deck of cards also shines a light on the action dimension of changemaking and the value of empowerment, representation and how the change you aim for should always be about making a real difference.

Contact megan@nyci.ie with participation consent form and any queries.



July 27, 2022
10:30 am - 3:30 pm IST


National Youth Council of Ireland
View Organiser Website


Gresham Hotel
23 O'Connell Street Upper
Dublin, D01 C3W7 Ireland