
February 22, 2022

Transforming Hate Manual & Activity Resource

'Transforming Hate 'educational tool and practice manual outlines an innovative new approach on how to transform hate in youth work settings. Focused on the youth worker, and their practice, it looks at self-awareness, taking a needs based approach, and building connections with young people though empathic listening. Here you can also download the companion to the manual is 'Beyond Hate', an activity resource for youth workers to use with young people to explore and transform hate in youth work settings.
March 26, 2021

Access All Areas

This resource is essential for anyone working with young people and invites organisations to examine how they engage with youth from a variety of backgrounds. Use Access All Areas to assess the level of access you are providing to all young people, especially those from minority ethnic communities, young Travellers, lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender young people, young people with a disability, early school leavers, young people involved in the juvenile justice system, young parents and young people with mental health issues.
March 26, 2021

Interactive Map: For Refugees & Asylum Seeker

We have developed this online resource to support young asylum seekers and refugees to take part in youth groups and youth work activities in their area. We have also developed a range of county based leaflets to help young International Protection applicants (asylum seekers) and refugees to find out how to get involved with a youth group in their area. It lists a number of youth organisations in each county and names the towns where accommodation centres are located
February 27, 2020

Transforming Shadows

We brought 12 young adults (aged 20–30) from diverse cultural, social and religious backgrounds from Ireland and Lebanon to work together in Beirut, Lebanon for one week to explore how they had Transformed Conflict in their own lives and what they would like to impart to other young people experiencing conflict. They developed key messages to impart to youth leaders and to empower other young change makers. They present their key messages here as video resources and a companion activity pack.