
November 11, 2021

We’re hiring: Education and Engagement Officer – STEAM in Youthreach

'Full STEAM Ahead! A Partnership Approach to STEAM in Youthreach' is a two-year project (2021- 2023) that is supporting three Youthreach Centres to design and deliver cutting-edge STEAM education and public engagement initiatives. Learning will be used to develop a range of educational management, teaching and extra-curricular resources that will be shared with the wider Youthreach sector.
October 18, 2021

COP ON! Why Should Young People Care About Our Planet and COP 26?

On September 25th 2021, the NYCI-led Future Generations Climate Justice Project together with Friends of the Earth Ireland held an event with the aim of explaining how the UN climate talks work, who is involved, and how young peoples’ voices fit within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and COP26.