Jessica Carson

Jessica Carson is a freelance trainer, facilitator artist and consultant. Her experience spans work in the cultural sector, non-formal education and third level education, where she supports, develops, manages and delivers programmes. Her work reflects a strong belief in the transformative potential of creative engagement.  Along with her colleague Nora Furlong, she coordinates a programme called Creativity and Change in CIT Crawford College of Art and Design. The programme includes an accredited level 8 Special Purpose Award, international youthwork training and regional training for youth workers.  She is a trainer on the Leargas training network for the youth sector. She has also developed and managed projects and actions through this programme in seminars, exchanges and volunteering. Jessica maintains her practice as a visual artist and has carried out a number of international residencies.Jessica says: "Over the next few posts I am sharing my thought about the connection between creativity and global citizenship.The first post shares some of my journey in creativity that lead me to place importance on the theme of global citizenship. The next post is a personal reflection of my desires, values, and motivations in my work in creative engagement and an encouragement to others to reflect on their practice.In the third and fourth posts, I share learning and experience from a programme that I delivered with an international group of youth workers, who were exploring the connection between creativity, well-being and global citizenship."