Over 500,000 young people aged 18 to 25 could make crucial difference in presidential election.
The National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) is urging young people to make their voice heard by voting in the presidential election tomorrow. For anyone under 31 years of age this is the first time they have had a chance to elect our President.
“With the election set to go down to the wire, this is a real opportunity for the half a million young people aged 18 to 25* in the Republic of Ireland, to have a decisive say and make sure their voices are taken into account in the important election of our President for the next seven years” stated James Doorley, Assistant Director of the National Youth Council of Ireland.
“As the representative body of 54 national voluntary youth organisations working with hundreds of thousands of young people all over the country, NYCI believes their participation in decision making is a fundamental right. Low levels of voter participation are not just a concern in their own right but also because they strike at the very foundations of active citizenship. A healthy democracy relies on citizens who are well informed, interested and engaged,” continued Mr. Doorley.
“We also call on the Government to make this the last election held on a weekday, which disenfranchises so many young people. It is disappointing that Government have set Thursday as the polling day, as the majority of young people surveyed+ indicated that weekend polling was very important to encourage their participation. It is particularly disappointing given that both Fine Gael and Labour supported weekend voting in opposition,” concluded Mr. Doorley.
For further information, please contact Daniel Meister, Communications Officer at NYCI on 087 781 4903 or 01 425 5955 or email communications@nyci.ie
Notes to Editors:
* 538,631 young people aged 18 to 25 in the Republic of Ireland.
Source: CSO Census 2006 volume 2 – Ages and Marital status: http://www.cso.ie/census/census2006results/volume_2/census_2006_volume_2.html
+ The Truth About Youth, National Youth Council of Ireland, June 2009:
National Youth Council of Ireland
The National Youth Council of Ireland is a membership-led umbrella organisation that represents and supports the interests of 55 voluntary youth organisations and uses its collective experience to act on issues that impact on young people.