If you’ve landed on this page, you may also be interested in the SPARK Youth Arts Festival, taking place from February 20th – 24th!
Following on from last week’s blog, this second reflection developed by youth workers and artists in Cork as part of the Creativity and Change programme is on the role of creativity in contributing to the competences, values, attitudes and characteristics we want to nurture in ourselves and others to grow as global citizens.
The reflections were not just theory. Thirty people immersed themselves in creativity, reflection and connection to each other. The following reflections emerge from this shared experience.
Why is Creativity Important What Does It Contribute?
Creativity engages the mind.
Creativity frees the mind in a way that enables a person to absorb knowledge more easily. It makes processing learning more efficient
Creativity enables alternative ways of thinking.
It unblocks old patterns or habits of thinking. It allows for non-linear thinking.
Creativity enables empathy.
Creativity connects us to ourselves.
It opens our hearts and doors to our mind. It brings us to hidden parts of ourselves. It allows recognition of uniqueness and identity. It can help draw out what is already there within – hidden talents and inner capacities can emerge. It connects us with our passions.
Creative participation nurtures a sense of togetherness.
It brings people together and can nurture skills in teamwork and cooperation.
Creativity challenges.
Creativity can connect reflection with action.
Creativity builds intercultural connections.
It connects us to different cultures and sub-cultures.
Creativity nurtures confidence.
Creativity builds confidence. When they are confident, young people are less easily influenced by others
Creativity instills curiosity.
It encourages questions.
Creative expression gives a voice.
It can help capture ideas, thoughts and visions about the world. Young people can
advocate for themselves and for others.
Creativity is participatory and interactive.
When engaging with creativity, young people are not passively listening/absorbing, but are exploring, discovering and communicating. It can support young people to be more active and present as members of society.
Creativity stimulates and motivates.
Creativity brings us beyond words.
It allows exploration and communication beyond the limitation of words.
Creativity is fun and joyful and surprising.
Creativity keeps the mind active.
Creativity engages different learning styles.
Creative methods enable engagement through a variety of learning styles. Everyone learns and engages differently.
Creativity allows us to view and solve problems more openly and with innovation.
Creativity opens the mind.
A society that has lost touch with its creative side is an imprisoned society, in that generations of people may be closed minded. It broadens our perspectives and can help us overcome prejudices.
Creativity inspires collective thinking.
Creativity nurtures ideas.
Creativity supports resilience.
You can access the two publications developed during the week together at
Creativity. Resilience and Global Citizenship, Explorations, Reflections and Recommendations.
Creativity Resilience and Global Citizenship- Toolkit
If you are interested in these themes and topics there are several ways you can get involved in the Creativity and Change programme.
-An Accredited Level 8 special purpose award that involved 16 days of experiential learning workshops
-Link in with our one day training programme that take place around the country.
-Look out for new editions of our international creative youth worker training programmes
-Access our resources on our website