With regard to accessing development education information provided by other organisations, please find below some further useful links for doing development education with young people.
80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World is an Irish-based registered charity founded in 1996 promoting popular education on human development and human rights.
Africa Centre is a voluntary organisation based in Dublin, It is a membership organisation working in three main areas; Community Empowerment; for the African Community in Ireland, Development Education; addressing the need for an effective ‘African Perspective’ in Development Education (DE) on the Island of Ireland and Policy and Research; influencing policy decisions in Ireland.
The Centre is a non-governmental development organisation based in Belfast which aims to raise awareness about global issues and encourage action toward social change. We organise events, deliver training, produce publications and provide a wide range of resources to target groups in the formal and non-formal education sectors.
Comhlámh (pronounced ‘co-law-ve’, Irish for ‘solidarity’) is a member and supporter organisation open to anyone interested in social justice, human rights and global development issues. Comhlámh connects, informs, educates and campaigns on these matters.
A development and human rights education resource maintained by a consortium of organisations based in Ireland, including: 80:20 Educating & Acting for a Better World, Aidlink, Concern Worldwide, Irish Aid, National Youth Council of Ireland, Self-Help Africa.
Development Perspectives is a registered non governmental organisation and charity (18555) based in Barlow House, Drogheda, Co. Louth. Established since 2006, their mission is to actively involve people in learning about and then tackling social, political, environmental and economic challenges, through an educational process, in local and global communities.
Dóchas is the association of Irish Non-Governmental Development Organisations. Dóchas provides a forum for consultation and co-operation between its members and helps them speak with a single voice on development issues.
The Galway One World Centre (GOWC) is an education centre working towards raising awareness and changing attitudes of people in Ireland regarding global development and justice issues. The centre works with schools, as well as youth and community groups.
IDEA (Irish Develoment Education Association) is an association of organisations and individuals involved in the provision, promotion or advancement of development education throughout the island of Ireland.
Irish Aid is the Government of Ireland’s official programme of assistance to developing countries.
Kerry Action for Development Education (KADE) is one of three development education centres in Ireland.
LASC (Latin America Solidarity Centre) is a membership based organisation. Membership is made up of individuals who share a passion for real social change in Latin America and Ireland and who believe that peace with justice and equality for all can come only through genuine participation of everyone in society’s decision making.
Mayfield Arts, Newbury House is a unique dedicated arts space based in the heart of Mayfield at Newbury House Family Centre. Mayfield Arts develops, manages and delivers arts programmes in consultation with the local community and according to funding received. Currently their two main programmes are the arts based Global Education Programme and our Arts and Integration programme.
The SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres provide practical online tools for your youth work and training
The Waterford One World Centre (WOWC) is a development education centre whose mission is to work in partnership with the local community to educate and empower people to take action on global issues of social justice and human dignity. The Centre organises workshops, projects and events for schools, youth groups and community groups. The workshops use co-operative learning methodologies to explore a range of development themes such as: Fair Trade, Human Rights, Sustainable Development, Cultural Diversity, Racism, and Peace and Conflict.