Sustainable Development Goals are 2 years old!
September 27th 2017 marked the second anniversary of the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a new blueprint for the world and provide a unique opportunity to address the most urgent and fundamental needs of millions of people in Ireland and around the world – people who have the right, and who seek the means and the freedom, to live their lives in dignity. We cannot continue to do business as usual but take this opportunity through the 17 goals, 169 targets and 230 indicators to ensure we are successful, for people and planet, so no one is left behind.
Ireland will report on SDGs progress in July 2018 at the United Nations in New York. In advance of this, we await the launch of Ireland’s National Action Plan on how Ireland will go about achieving the 17 Goals.
The Sustainable Development Goal agenda is huge and it is not possible for any one person or organisation or sector to devote the necessary resources to raise awareness, educate, research, lobby and advocate, take action, and deliver on the SDGs.
The National Youth Council of Ireland is a national organisation which represents and supports community, voluntary and not for profit youth organisations in Ireland. NYCI is appointed under the Youth Work Act 2001 as ‘prescribed organisation’. NYCI is working with its 49 member organisations and young people throughout Ireland to raise awareness of the SDGs in the first instance and then to support greater knowledge, engagement, and action on the SDGs.
NYCI is also a founding member of Coalition2030 which brings together national and international organisations, environmental groups, trade unions, and academics. We are also building links with business.
NYCI is happy to provide training on the SDGs and/or to speak with organisations and groups about the SDGs. Feel free to contact Valerie via or 01 478 4122.
What follows are links to additional information on the SDGs which you may find useful.
Press Coverage from 2nd SDGs birthday celebration in Dublin
More Press Coverage
Background information, arguments, resources
Twitter activity: #Act4SDGs #Coalition2030 #SDGs #deved
A small selection of photos from 2nd Anniversary celebrations in Dublin, Ireland organised by Coalition2030 including ATD Ireland, Dochas, World Vision, Concern, Trocaire, ECO-UNESCO, SVP, National Youth Council of Ireland, IDEA, Trade Unions, etc: