‘Let’s Talk about Sexting’ new tool to help discuss issue with young people launched
Young people engaging in risky behaviours such as sexting may experience anxiety as Covid-19 restrictions ease and they begin to socialise again. That’s according to experts speaking at the launch today (26.06.20) of a new tool to help those working with young people to start a conversation with them around the topic of ‘sexting’.
The Let’s Talk about Sexting toolkit was developed by the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) – which represents organisations working with over 380,000 young people nationwide – with the support of An Garda Síochána.
Speaking at the launch Rachael Treanor, National Youth Health Programme Manager at the NYCI said: “Before Covid-19, some young people where already engaging in risky sexual behaviours. However, for young people during Covid-19, online communication became the main source of interaction and connection with significant people in their lives. And with this reliance on the online world, there is a possibility young people could engage in risky behaviours such as sexting.
“As restrictions begin to ease over the coming months, and young people begin to resume youth clubs and meet friends, some will experience anxiety due to risky sexual behaviours which they may have engaged in during the Covid-19 restrictions.
“Romantic relationships comprise of intimacy, physicality, emotions, and the overall experience of being close to another. However, for all of us, regardless of our stage of life, our relationships have changed during Covid-19.
“A recent report from the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) [1] states that ‘activity around the distribution of child sexual exploitation material online appears to be on the increase, based on a number of indicators’. This reflects what we are hearing anecdotally across our networks regarding a potential increase in risky behaviours and means that young people may be more vulnerable online during the pandemic,” continued Ms Treanor.
“As restrictions ease, NYCI’s National Youth Health Programme will be working with youth workers to support young people to look after their sexual health and build healthy relationships as we enter into a ‘new normal’” explained Ms Treanor.
“We want to continue to support youth workers help young people build their communication skills and confidence around their sexual health. This toolkit ‘Let’s Talk about Sexting’ is a starting point for youth workers to engage in that conversation.”
As part of this work the organisation has created the ‘Let’s Talk about Sexting’ toolkit to support youth workers to start a conversation with young people around the topic of ‘sexting’. Developed with support from An Garda Síochána the tool provides guidance on:
- What is meant by the term ‘sexting’
- Sexting and the Irish law
- Guidance for young people on what to do if they are involved in a sexting incident which they are not comfortable in
- Guidance for the youth worker if a young person notifies them on a sexting incident
- Additional supports and services for both the youth worker and young people
Let’s Talk about Sexting’ is available for download on youth.ie/health
For further information, please contact Daniel Meister, Communications Manager at NYCI on 087 781 4903 or email communications@nyci.ie
National Youth Council of Ireland
The National Youth Council of Ireland is a membership-led umbrella organisation that represents and supports the interests of voluntary youth organisations and uses its collective experience to act on issues that impact on young people. See Youth.ie
National Youth Health Programme
The National Youth Health Programme (NYHP) is a partnership between the National Youth Council of Ireland, the Health Service Executive and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs. See Youth.ie/health
[1] ‘Catching the virus- Cybercrime, Disinformation and the COVID-19 Pandemic’ https://www.europol.europa.eu/publications-documents/catching-virus-cybercrime-disinformation-and-covid-19-pandemic
Launch event running order: 26.06.20
Young People and their Sexual Health during Covid-19.
Part 1: Sexting and Young People
10.30am |
Welcome and Introductions |
10.40am |
Launch: Young People and Sexting: A tool to support youth workers raise awareness among young people
11.00am |
Highlight the psychological factors associated with sexting in young people as well as their experiences and consequences
Caoimhe Doyle
Psychologist in Clinical Training
UCD/HSE Dublin North
11.20am |
Highlight specific issues for young people who are LGBTI+ in relation to sexting
Sean Frayne
Youth Worker
Belong To Youth Services
11.40am |
Children’s online behaviours in Irish Primary and Secondary Schools
Joe Kenny
Founder and CEO of Zeeko
12.00pm |
Building Resilience in Young People
National Youth Council of Ireland
12.20pm |
Questions and Answers |