National Youth Council of Ireland
Invitation to Tender
To Conduct a Review of the Youth Work Sector Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Invitation to submit proposals
The National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) is the representative body for voluntary youth organisations in Ireland. NYCI functions to represent the interests of young people and youth organisations. NYCI’s role is recognised in legislation (Youth Work Act) and as a social partner. The NYCI aims through its member organisations and its representative role to empower young people to participate in society as fulfilled confident individuals. The work of the Youth Council is based on principles of equality, social justice and equal participation for all. In achieving these aims the NYCI seeks the emergence of a society in which young people are valued citizens who can make a meaningful contribution to their community.
Background and Research Rationale
The COVID-19 pandemic has set in train a series rapid and extraordinary social conditions in Ireland which has had a profound impact Irish society in respect of remote working and social distancing. This research seeks to capture how the youth work sector has responded to these challenges by documenting some of the innovative and creative approaches to engaging with young people during this period. It also seeks to document the limitations that such methodologies present.
In the context of significant future economic uncertainty, it is imperative that the youth work sector can demonstrate how it has responded during the pandemic and highlight the role and contribution of the sector in supporting young people and their families during this time. Collating evidence of this nature is important in terms of highlighting the social and economic value of youth work in these extraordinary times.
Research Aim
In undertaking this study, the research should explore the following research questions:
- How has the youth work sector responded to challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic?
- What methodologies have been used to deliver services and supports to young people during the pandemic?
- What are limitations of working in this way?
Research Methodology
The study should capture data from across the youth sector, reflecting the diversity of services provided to all young people during this period, including marginalised or minority groups, those from lower socio-economic backgrounds and those living in rural and urban settings.
Applicants are invited to outline the research methods and sampling techniques they intend to employ to conduct this study and to demonstrate their knowledge of appropriate research methods to fulfil the brief outlined above.
The research should be completed by Friday 14 August 2020. Applicants should provide a detailed timetable for completion of the research.
Profile of Researchers and Relevant Experience
Applications should include a profile of all personnel to be involved in undertaking the research. This should include a detailed CV of the candidate, demonstrating their experience of undertaking similar studies and including two references.
Ethical, Consent & Confidentiality Procedures
Applicants should outline how they propose to comply with research ethics standards and child protection guidelines.
Roles & Responsibilities
The successful applicant will be responsible for accessing research participants, undertaking the research and producing the final report, developed to publishable standards.
Ownership of the information and final report
Ownership of data and reports related to the project will reside with the National Youth Council of Ireland.
The maximum budget for this project is €10,000 inclusive of VAT and this should include all costs such as institutional fees, administration costs and expenses incurred.
Applicants should provide a detailed breakdown of costs.
A payment schedule will be agreed with the successful applicant. The following schedule is proposed:
- 30% to be paid on signing the contract.
- 30% to be paid on receipt of intermediate report.
- 40% to be paid on receipt of full research report
Payments will be made within 28 days of receipt of an invoice. If at any stage during the research, the agreed level of quality of the research is not adhered to, payment may be withheld.
Application process
The deadline for receipt of completed proposals is Thursday, May 21st 2020 at 12.00 pm. Tender applications should include the subject line ‘NYCI COVID Research Tender’ and be submitted by email to