1 in 4 unable to move out of home as a result of the cuts made to Jobseeker’s Allowance
Youth Council calls on Government to restore weekly rate of €188 for all young people on education, training and work experience programmes
A new poll Red C poll* commissioned by the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) has found that almost 4 in 10 young people (54% in Dublin) are struggling to make ends meet as a result of welfare cuts, and that a majority disagree strongly with the cuts made to the Jobseeker’s Allowance for young people in previous budgets.
Commenting on the figures James Doorley, NYCI Deputy Director, said:
“The impact of recession has been particularly acute for young people in Ireland and especially for young people who are unemployed. This is reflected once again in our poll which shows that a large proportion of them are struggling to meet the costs of ordinary and everyday life.”
“We also are concerned that cuts in social welfare for young people in successive budgets have made it increasingly difficult for young people to afford to leave home and live independently, with 1 in 4 of those surveyed stating that they were unable to move out of the parental home as a result of the cuts made to Jobseeker’s Allowance, while others have been driven into debt.
In its Pre-Budget Submission,** NYCI is calling on the Government to restore the adult rate of €188 per week for all young people participating on an education, training and work experience programme.
Mr Doorley explained: “Such a first step would serve to reduce the rates of poverty and social exclusion amongst young people and provide an additional financial incentive, particularly to the most disadvantaged young people to participate in education, training and work experience opportunities.
“The justification put forward for the the cuts in welfare was that they would incentivise young people to take up education, training and/or work experience opportunities. This argument is undermined by the fact that the various welfare payments and training allowances to young people under 25 have also been cut in recent Budgets.
“As a result of budget decisions, young people under 25 moving from welfare to education, training and work experience have had their allowances cut. The training allowance for young people participating on VTOS, Youthreach, Community Training Centre Programmes and other SOLAS training has been reduced from €188 per week to €160 per week. From January 2014, the payment to those participating on the Back to Education Allowance Programme has been cut to €160 per week and for JobBridge interns who were on €100 prior to participation they end up on a €150 per week while working a full 40 hour week.
“Ultimately, NYCI believes that the welfare rates for young people cut in successive budgets should be reversed as it is causing deprivation and hardship young people who are unemployed and that all citizens should be paid the same rate of jobseekers allowance irrespective of age” concluded Mr Doorley
Main findings of RedC survey:
- 1 in 4 of respondents surveyed is currently receiving Jobseeker’s Allowance.
- Amongst respondents, there is strong disagreement with the cuts made to the Jobseeker’s Allowance in previous budgets.
- 67% of respondents strongly disagreed with the cuts to Jobseeker’s Allowance introduced in the last Budget.
- (39%) young people claim they are now struggling to make ends meet.
- 1 in 4 stated that they were unable to move out of the parental home as a result of the cuts made to Jobseeker’s Allowance.
CONTACT: Daniel Meister, Communications Manager at NYCI communications@nyci.ie 087 781 4903
*FURTHER DATA AND ANALYSIS AVAILABLE IN NYCI/RED C POLL BRIEFING DOCUMENT HERE: https://www.youth.ie/sites/youth.ie/files/NYCI%20Briefing%20Paper_RedC_Jobseekers%27%20Allowance_Final.pdf
**NYCI Pre-Budget Submission 2015 ‘Fair and Just Recovery’ available here:
Notes to Editors:
Red C conducted 412 face-to-face interviews with a representative sample of young people aged 18-25 throughout Ireland from the 17th June to 6th July 2014. Of these 51% were female and 49% were male. 50% were classified as being from the ABC1 social demographic group, 48% were classed as belonging to the C2DE social demographic group and 2% in the F category. In terms of nationality 93% of the participants in the survey identified themselves as Irish. The margin of error in the results is +/- 4.9%.
National Youth Council of Ireland
NYCI is a membership-led umbrella organisation that represents and supports the interests voluntary youth organisations and uses its collective experience to act on issues that impact on young people.