One World Week 2012 – the theme was about exploring resilience in young people in Ireland and around the world. ‘Bouncing Back and Beyond’ was the educationa resource produced to help youth groups to look at the factors contributing to young people feeling stressed, such as alcohol, drugs, bullying, crime, depression and suicide. It also encourages young people to investigate coping strategies they could adopt, examine resilience in young people and highlight examples of young people taking positive action locally and globally in relation to these issues.
One World Week 2012 evaluation
One World Week Theme for 2012 – Bouncing Back!
One World Week Training
One World Week 2012 – Central Action ‘‘Steps towards a Fairer World’
One World Week 2012 – Central events from NYCI (Cork and Dublin)
One World Week 2012 – mini-grants available
What is happening around Ireland for One World Week 2012?
One World Week 2012 evaluation
As part of our commitment to monitoring and evaluation in youth work, we are undertaking a survey to gather information that will help us understand how you engage with One World Week and to provide us with feedback that will enable us to ensure we make it the best that it can be. We would greatly appreciate it if you could complete this survey It should take about 15 minutes to complete. The deadline for completion is Friday 14th December 2012. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
One World Week Theme for 2012 – Bouncing Back!
One World Week is a week of youth-led awareness raising, education and action that takes place throughout Ireland during the third week in November every year. During March/April, youth groups around Ireland vote on the theme that they would like to explore for One World Week 2012. The theme selection was open until Monday 17 April.
‘Bouncing Back’ encourages youth groups to look at the factors contributing to young people feeling stressed, such as alcohol, drugs, bullying, crime, depression and suicide. It also encourages young people to investigate coping strategies they could adopt, examine resilience in young people and highlight examples of young people taking positive action locally and globally in relation to these issues. Learn more about what happened in the blog.
As in previous years, a number of issues were identified as potential themes in 2012. A wide range of youth and other organisations were invited to cast their vote o. The ‘Bouncing Back’ theme was by far the most popular theme among youth organisations voting. This is clearly an issue that young people feel affects them or their communities directly.
One World Week 2012 – Central Action ‘Steps towards a Fairer World’
For all details on the central action, download our poster here. To learn more about the idea behind our central action for 2012, watch the excellent animation from Dóchas on the ‘World We Want‘.
Step 1 – Explore the issues: Using activities from the education resource ‘Bouncing Back and Beyond’, explore the issues and challenges facing young people around the world, along with ideas for how young people and their communities can develop resilience and change their lives for the better. Suggested activities: 1, 11, 13 and 15. You can download the resource from
Step 2 – Ask other people for their opinion: Carry out a survey among your family, friends and members of your community to find out:
- What are the issues that young people around the world have to ‘bounce back’ from?
- What world do you want to see ‘Beyond 2015’?
- What steps need to be taken to get there?
- What steps can we take individually and together to make it happen?
Step 3 – Create a vision of the world we want: Use the ideas collected to create a future ‘recipe’ for development in Ireland and in the Global South. What would help people and communities everywhere to be more resilient and what are we prepared to do to make it happen? Illustrate the steps we can take by completing the sentence ‘I/We promise to…’ in the shape of a footstep (or a handprint) – the bigger the better!
Step 4 – Display your footsteps: During One World Week, use your local youth centre, school or a public space such as a library, or community centre to display the footsteps publicly. Encourage members of the public and invited local or national representatives to walk in the footsteps for a fairer world. You could develop a slogan for them based on the common changes people would like to see.
Step 5 – Share your ideas with other groups
NYCI will host two central events for participating youth groups to showcase their work. Details below
One World Week 2012 – Central events from NYCI (Cork and Dublin)
Youth organisations, schools and other groups can organise events at a local level around Ireland during One World Week. If you have photos, press coverage or information on your event – please send to Through these events, young people are raising awareness about the OWW theme ‘Bouncing Back and Beyond’ and the central action ‘Steps towards a Fairer World’. NYCI will also host two central events for One World Week 2012:
Saturday 10 November, Cork city (CITS, Sullivan’s Quay (Old Tax/FAS office)
Saturday 17 November, the Greenhouse, Andrew’s Street, Dublin 2
For more information, or to attend, contact
One World Week 2012 – mini-grants available
Mini-grants for activities and events related to One World Week are available from NYCI. Grant applications of up to a maximum of €200 will be considered. The deadline for receipt of the application at NYCI offices is Wednesday 31 October, after which all applications will be assessed together. Applications will not be considered after this date. If you have arranged OWW training for after this deadline, you can still apply for a mini-grant in advance. Download the application form here.
One World Week Training
NYCI offers training to youth workers and others working with young people to explore the theme and the assosciated activity resource. Training will be offered from Mid September till the end of October. It lasts for two hours and can be delivered at a time to suit you. All you need to do is provide a venue and any refreshments you might like. So, if you have a group of leaders interested in finding out more about the theme for One World Week in a fun and interactive way, contact Alan.
- Monday 8 October, 7-9pm, Galway City Youth Cafe
- Tuesday 9 October, 7-9pm, Waterford, Edmund Rice Youth and Community Multiplex, Manor Street (opposite Mason’s)
- Wednesday 10 (11am-1pm and 7.30-9.30pm) and Thursday 11 October (7-9pm), Clare Youth Service (in Ennis and Scariff)
- Wednesday 17 October, 10am-12 midday, Kerry One World Centre
- Thursday 18 October 10am-12 midday and 7-9pm, Link Point Youth Centre in Knocknaheeney, Cork
- Wednesday 24 October, evening, North Connaught Youth Service (Leitrim), venue TBC
To attend any of the above trainings, please contact us – or
Saturday 10th November in Cork (CITS, Sullivan’s Quay (Old Tax/FAS office) and Saturday 17th November at the Irish Aid Centre, Dublin.
If you cannot attend, send us pictures or recordings of your work to They will be exhibited on our website and at a national level during One World Week.
Click on the links to download the One World Week resource and poster. To order a hard copy, please contact us.