One World Week 2011: 12 – 20 November
“The world has experienced an economic recession in recent years, and young people are still effected by fewer opportunities in education and employment, and increased financial pressure in their daily lives. Some people have suffered a lot as a result of this recession, but feel frustrated by the fact that they were not the cause of it. How can we understand the global financial system which we are part of? Who makes decisions about the cost of attending school, or buying new clothes? How is money distributed – and valued – on a global scale? Is it a man’s world that we live in? This theme will explore the interests at play in the global financial system and how young people are seen by others – as mindless consumers, or activists who will change our world for the better? Using case studies such as the recent intervention of the EU and IMF (International Monetary Fund) in Ireland, we will look at the role that money and consumption plays in our lives.”
A list of potential themes for One World Week 2011 was put forward by NYCI’s Advisory Group and Youth Advisory Group including topics on sustainable development, volunteering, politics and power and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Although ‘A Rich Man’s World?’ will be the focus of One World Week this year, the activity pack, training and central action will bring in elements of the other themes, including Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and ‘Act for One World’ as 2011 is the European Year of Volunteering.
Youth organisations, schools and other groups organised events at a local level around Ireland during One World Week. If you have photos, press coverage or information on your event – please send to Through these events, young people are raising awareness about the OWW theme ‘A Rich Man’s World?’ and the central action ‘Consume with Care’. Some of the events taking place are listed here.
One World Week 2011 – Central Events and Central Action: ‘Consume With Care’
How are we connected to the world around us? How do our links – through people, food, money, technology and ideas – affect us, the world we live in and people in the Global South? Are young people active citizens or just consumers who buy first and think later? This year’s One World Week central action ‘Consume with Care’ looks at how we as consumers, have ‘purchasing power’ in what we buy and how we spend our money. Changing our spending habits can positively benefit people, places and production locally and globally.
Meet other youth groups who are taking part in One World Week during two national events to showcase your work for One World Week. Each event will have a showcase from youth groups, a guest speaker and workshops.
- Cork – Saturday 12 November from 2.00 – 4.30pm, Camden Palace, Camden Quay, Cork City. To register to attend, contact Alan.
- Dublin – Saturday 19 November from 11am – 3pm, Irish Aid Volunteering and Information centre, O’Connell Street, Dublin 1. To register to attend, contact Johnny.
The central action for One World Week 2011 is ‘Consume with Care’. You can take part by organising a local event in your community, or by attending one of the national events above – or both! For ideas on how to get involved, download the poster or see below:
Step 1 – Explore the Issues using activites from the resource ‘A Rich Man’s World?’
Step 2 – Plan Your Action, e.g. a survey (Activity 20), explore the life-cycle of a product we use (such as mobile phones, or sportswear), or audit your local shops recording where the produce comes from.
Step 3 – Create an Advertising Campaign to highlight your findings and the connections between people, products and places around the world. Develop a drama, video, art work, song, dance, rap or rhyme to show what you have discovered.
Digi-tales are being used widely by our partner organisations in Zambia. They use a sequence of photos to tell a story along with a voice over and/or music. Have a look at a ‘Digi-tale’ produced by Barefeet Theatre Zambia – download the video here. More ‘digi-tales’ from Zambia will be available soon on the NYCI Zambia-Ireland youth worker exchange page of this site!
Remember to follow the Dóchas Code of Conduct on Images and Messages when you are creating your work.
Step 4 – Display Your Work during One World Week and invite your family, friends, community, the media and local politicians along to meet your group.
Step 5 – Meet Other Groups NYCI will host two national events for participating youth groups to showcase their work on Saturday 12th November in Cork and Saturday 19th November at the Irish Aid Centre, Dublin.
If you cannot attend, send us pictures or recordings of your work to They will be exhibited on our website and at a national level during One World Week.
Click on the links to download the One World Week resource and poster. To order a hard copy, please contact us.