NYCI seeks to influence policy at European and Global level by engaging with non-government partners and with international institutions. We do so to ensure that the voice of young people and perspective of youth organisations is heard. This is increasingly important given the growing impact of EU policy and legislation and global developments such as the Sustainable Development Goals. NYCI is a member of the European Youth Forum and works as part of this platform to influence the decisions of the European Union and the United Nations;
At European Union Level
- Advocate for the implementation of the European Youth Strategy 2010-2018
- Actively participate in the Structured Dialogue Process by ensuring the voice of young people in Ireland is heard in the process and progress is made on the recommendations. For more details on Structured Dialogue
- Promote and support the access of youth organisations to the Erasmus+ Programme in cooperation with Leargas
- Pursue implementation of policy goals such as extending voting rights to young people aged 16 and 17 years at EU level
- Promote the implementation of the European Youth Guarantee in Ireland
- Support the implementation of the EU Council recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning
At United Nations Level
In 2015 after a number of years of advocacy we secured approval and funding from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to send two young delegates to be part of the Irish Delegation to the United Nations
Actively supporting the consultation and engagement of young people in Ireland in the period prior to the adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and now seeking to ensure the inclusion of the views of young people in the development of a comprehensive National Plan for the SDGs.
NYCI Structured Dialogue -“Young Voices”
European Youth Forum
European Council Council Resolution on encouraging political participation of young people in democratic life in Europe (November 2015)
European Youth Strategy 2010-2018
European Union Institutions
EU Youth Report 2015
European Commission Youth Employment
European Commission webpage on Structured Dialogue