Making Links is a network of minority ethnic youth group leaders. It is open to faith based, community based and issue based youth group leaders. We welcome new members to join the network at any time.
We run workshops, training and we share practice with one another. Training is provided based on the group member’s needs. It can range from understanding youth work and how to work with groups, registering your youth group officially, exploring funding options, understanding child safeguarding etc. In particular, it is a space where we look at the impact of racism on our young people and communities, we explore how to support our young people to navigate statutory services, we identify power dynamics, and how to link with mainstream services and the wider youth sector on your own terms. We work on resilience, well-being, social justice and transformative practice.
Members of the network really value the opportunity to share with people working in a similar way from across the country. The workshops are all free of charge and travel is paid. Members come from all over Ireland.
This project follows on from our research Make Minority a Priority which recommends new ways for youth organisations to work with young people from minority ethnic backgrounds. It stresses the importance of having minority ethnic only youth spaces alongside opportunities to be involved in mainstream youth groups.
NYCI is delighted to have funding to continue the Making Links programme from the Community Foundation Ireland
To learn more about the network contact Anne