This major conference addressed those working in the youth, community and voluntary sector, academics and policy makers. It looked at gender in youth work at both practice and organisational level. It sought to understand what we bring to our work and to explore how we can best work with young women and young men to tackle a range of gender based inequalities.
Below you will find the multimedia resource list referred to at the conference.
Further resources including presentations, images, the video of the powerful drama performance ‘spilled ink’ and more will be posted here in the coming days.
Keynote Presentations
“Illusions and Old Ideas: Why Gender Matters” by Prof Pat O’Connor, University of Limerick
Download speaking notes (PDF) >>
“Training for Gender Conscious Youth Work: A Research Project” by Berny McMahon Maynooth University
Download presentation (PDF) >>
Ruairi McKiernan:
Droichead Youth Theatre Performance
Multimedia Resource List
The purpose of this multimedia resource list is to provide a selection of videos, articles, etc. which is complementary to the themes addressed during the “Been There, Done That… Where’s the t-shirt?” conference and to the work of youth work practitioners. It is our aim that these resources be used by practitioners to inspire discussion amongst the groups with which they work and to inspire further critical examination and education around the issue of gender in their own practice. In acknowledging that we all have different starting points in the process of critically engaging with gender as a topic, we have included a wide selection of material to cater to a variety of starting points, needs, etc. Each resource provides its own unique opportunity for engaging with various derivative topics and issues. However, it must be acknowledged that it is not an all-exhaustive list but rather one which should inspire further research and examination.
A Call to Men- Tony Porter (TEDxWomen)
In this TED Talk, Tony Porter discusses the socialization process of men- referring to both his personal experience and that of other “Man Bots”. In deconstructing his experience, he highlights the how social control manifests in his life and how, through the self-replicating cycle of imparting ‘masculinity’ to his son, he came to realise that men should stop “acting like men”. Equally, he extrapolates its effect upon women and aims to challenge such effects.
Access All Areas: A Diversity Toolkit for the Youth Work Sector (National Youth Council of Ireland. NYCI):
The Access All Areas Toolkit is an assessment tool developed for the purpose of evaluating your organisation’s engagement with young people from a variety of backgrounds. It is beneficial for both assessing engagement and supporting the further development of organisational capacity to equally engage young men and women in a manner which is critically reflective. You can find a variety of topic-specific publications, including one on challenging gender stereotypes with young women and men, at the link below.
Breaking the Boys Code of Masculinity- Bill Pozzobon (TEDxIsfeld)
Taking inspiration from both Tony Porter’s TED Talk and his own personal experience, Bill Pozzobon discusses the “guys’ code”, i.e. the socialization process which shapes and compartmentalizes men into the box which is ‘masculinity’, deconstructing its development and examining both the detrimental effects which can arise through collusion with the process and the positives to critically engaging with one’s own personal journey.
But I’m a Nice Guy- Scott Benson
“This is an editorial cartoon about the intersection of self-pity, entitlement, rape, territoriality, misogyny and fear of women”- Scott Bensen. This video is particularly useful for instigating critical conversations about anti-feminism movements and current pervasive attitudes towards feminism, often exhibited online.
Video: is a website aimed at creating a space to critically examine and engage with development education, liking the national to the global. It also provides access to resources, campaigns, links, etc. which cover a wide range of topics, including gender.
Ending Gender- Scott Turner Schofield (TED Talks)
Scott Turner Scholfield, a diversity speaker, discusses Trans* identity and gender in this TED Talk. In discussing non-binary gender identities, he explicates the theory of how, in ending gender, we would facilitate freedom of gender expression- thus invalidating the oppressive and constraining social construct which is gender.
Feminist Frequency- Anita Sarkeesian
Feminist Frequency is a Youtube web series, created by Anita Sarkeesian, which explores the representations of women in pop culture narratives. The video series serves purpose as an educational resource to encourage and develop critical media literacy.
Foundation for Women’s Health, Research and Development (FORWARD)
FORWARD is an is an African Diaspora women’s campaign and support charity (Based in the UK) which exists to further advance the sexual and reproductive health and rights of African women and girls. It aims to improve the quality of life of vulnerable people by challenging harmful practices, beliefs, etc. It addresses issues such as Female Genital Mutilation, Child Marriage, etc.
Gender Awareness Module (Linköpings Universitet)
This module, developed for students at Linköpings Universitet, is a valuable resource for raising awareness about gender amongst practitioners. It encourages informed critical reflection and practice, thus increasing professional capacity. It covers a variety of topics, which can be accessed in full via the link below.
Gender Equality Unit (YouthAction Northern Ireland)
The Gender Equality Unit is a division of YouthAction Northern Ireland which works with marginalised young women in order to improve their access to resources and society whilst challenging traditional expectations and gender roles. Through the development of training, models of effective practice, research, networking and influencing policy it aims to strategically redress inequalities.
Girl Summit 2014
The Girl Summit took place on 22nd July 2014, kicking off a global movement to end child, early and forced marriage and FGM for all girls within a generation. In doing such, it aims to preserve girls’ childhoods, promote their education, reduce their exposure to violence and abuse, and facilitate the achievement of their full potential in life.
- Girl Summit 2014: How you can get involved
- Girl Summit 2014 Twitter (@GirlSummit):
- Girl Summit 2014 (The Guardian):
- What does freedom mean to you? #FreedomIs (D.F.I.D.- Department for International Development):
- #YouthForChange Girl Summit 2014:
- #YouthForChange Twitter (@YouthForChange):
Good- A Magazine for the Global Citizen
Good Magazine is a collection of articles, resources, etc. which aims to gather important information and support their mission to “convene, connect, and empower all of us who give a damn”.
HeForShe Campaign- Emma Watson
HeForShe is a solidarity movement for gender equality that brings together one half of humanity in support of the other- making gender equality an issue for all. In her role as the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, Emma Watson speaks about how it is necessary for both sexes to participate in the process of challenging inequality.
Hollaback! Movement
The Hollaback movement aims to end street harassment by highlighting and challenging its presence. It is supported and powered by a global network of local activists working together to better understand street harassment, to ignite public conversations, and to develop innovative strategies to ensure equal access to public spaces. PLEASE NOTE: this video has received critique regarding its over-representation of men of colour. As such, Hollaback! has responded to such claims. It is important to critically consider both sides of the debate and, as such, form a personal stance- constantly being aware that any and every piece of media (whether it be written, audio or visual) contains a particular bias. However, the reason for including this resource is to highlight the prevalence of street harassment and to inspire discussions regarding relatability, personal impact, etc. Equally, it can serve purpose as a case study for media literacy.
- OPINION: Why do men not see that complimenting a woman on the street about her appearance is wrong?- Diarmuid Lyng (Newstalk):
- You won’t believe how many times this woman gets harassed in 10 hours- Shoshana Roberts:
- #HarassmentIs – An exploration of identity & street harassment:
‘I Am’ (2014) – Positive Visibility Matters
This poignant film, commissioned by TENI (Transgender Equality Network Ireland), is a conversational piece which explores gender identity and transgender experiences in Ireland through the sharing of personal stories.
If Women’s Roles In Ads Were Played By Men (BuzzFeed)
This BuzzFeed production is a parody video which highlights the portrayal of women in advertisements through role reversal. It’s a useful video for highlighting common tropes of women being used as sexualised tools in advertising and thus aims to inspire critical reflection and discussion.
International Standards of Beauty Photoshop Project- Esther Hong
Esther Hong is a freelance journalist and social media manager who developed a project about international standards of beauty. Given her role, she is often subject to edited images. As such, she decided to distribute a self-portrait to graphic designers across 25 countries- requested that they alter the image to adhere to standards of beauty in their countries. Her photo-series Before and After is the result.
Is your brain Male or Female?- Professor Alice Roberts & Dr Michael Mosley (BBC Horizon 2014)
In this episode of Horizon, Professor Alice Roberts and Dr Michael Mosley investigate if male and female brains are wired differently and how the plethora of external influences impact upon sex-specific development. This documentary provides a perspective into the biological argument for sex-specific traits, attributes, etc.
Killing Us Softly 4- Jean Kilbourne
In the fourth part of her famous Killing Us Softly series, Jean Kilbourne takes a fresh look at how advertising traffics in distorted and destructive ideals of femininity. Killing Us Softly 4 stands to challenge people to take advertising seriously, and to think critically about popular culture and its relationship to sexism, eating disorders, and gender based violence through developing media literacy.
Let’s act on Inclusion: A Video Series (National Youth Council of Ireland. N.Y.C.I.)
This video series, by the NYCI, can be used as a stand-alone resource to inspire discussion about equality or to accompany the Access All Areas Toolkit. Each video highlights a different aspect of equality. Video 6 is based on working toward gender conscious youth work, portraying young people considering their career options in the context of gender conditioning and the various roles we traditionally expect for ourselves. Video 4 relates to working with LGBT young people, in which they discuss the issues which they have experienced and share information which they have identified as beneficial for youth workers and other young people
Overseas Development Institute (O.D.I.)
The Overseas Development Institute is an independent think-tank body focusing on international development and humanitarian issue. It aims to reduce the prevalence of poverty, alleviate suffering and to achieve sustainable livelihoods in developing countries through informing policy and practice.
PDF Document:
Pretty Hurts- Beyoncé Knowles
In this song from her latest album, Beyoncé Knowles highlights issues surrounding modern standards of beauty, unrealistic ideas of perfection, the damaging socialisation process undergone by young women and girls, the engendered prioritisation of physical beauty above all else, etc. It provides a relatable medium for raising critical media and social literacy.
Run Like a Girl (Indiegogo Campaign)
Run Like a Girl is a campaign which aims to inspire others to embrace fitness and health as a holistic lifestyle of the body, mind and soul.
Sexism, Strength & Dominance: Masculinity in Disney Films (MediaMonkeyMovies2)
This short video examines the impact of media on the development of gender roles, norms and identity- using Disney films as a case study. This video is a very useful tool for examining such topics and instigating critical media literacy amongst young people and practitioners alike.
Sex Yeah- Marina and the Diamonds
This song, by Marina and the Diamonds, is a useful tool for facilitating discussion amongst young people regarding the sexualisation of women in society and the notion that, in order for women to be successful, they must not acknowledge their own sexuality but rather sexualise themselves in a manner befitting societal standards. It provides a relatable medium for raising critical media and social literacy.
Shrinking Women- Lily Myers (Button Poetry)
Lily Myers, a spoken word poet, comments on the dichotomy which has developed between women and men through her poetry- covering topics like eating habits, body image and socially constructed rules/norms which dictate their behaviour. This in an interesting piece which highlights her struggle against society’s impact on her body image and her personal socialisation process.
Stand Up! (BeLonG To Youth Services)
The Stand Up! Awareness Week Campaign is an annual campaign by BeLonG To LGBT Youth Service which aims to end homophobic and transphobic bullying by creating positive understanding of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people and their issues. It targets youth services, schools, community groups, etc.
Street Harassment: Sidewalk Sleazebags and Metro Molesters (Vocativ) [TRIGGER WARNING]
This video by Vocativ examines the occurrence of street harassment in America, providing an analysis of its root cause- power. It draws the conclusion that street harassment is a socially acceptable gate-way step towards other examples of gender based violence- sexual assault, rape, etc. which needs to be challenged. This video is accompanied by a trigger warning, as it includes descriptive interviews with victims of sexual assault.
The Gender Book
The Gender Book is a publication which aims to educate all age groups about gender, sexuality, etc. in an accessible and friendly format. This illustrated book (available as a free e-book, a condensed pamphlet or a hardback book) makes addressing gender, sexuality, sex, etc.- in all of its many manifestations- a core aspect of practice through its universally applicable style. This is an invaluable resource for practitioners and groups who are at the early stages of critically engaging with gender and sexuality.
The Girl Effect
The Girl Effect is a social movement which aims to raise the potential of adolescent girls to end poverty at personal, community, national and global levels. It aims to facilitate this by increasing the visibility of young women and empowering them to make change by specific, powerful and relevant resources. More information, including about how the campaign will be continuing on in 2015, can be found on their site.
The Long Slow March towards Gender Equality- Laura Tyson & Saadia Zahidi
This article examines the gender gap which exists between men and women in the workplace, taking the stand-point that the full and equal realisation of women’s capacity would expedite global economic recovery. It provides a useful perspective for making an economic argument for gender equality.
The New Recruit – Victim of Trafficking (Ruhama Ireland) [TRIGGER WARNING]
This short movie, by Ruhama Ireland, is a portrayal of women’s experience of the initial stages of trafficking. This video comes with a trigger warning due to the heavily emotive nature of the video in its portrayal of trafficking at its early stages. In discussing or researching trafficking, further information and support can be accessed by visiting their website below.
The Value of Women in Congo [TRIGGER WARNING]
This short documentary highlights the prevalent nature of rape in the Democratic Republic of Congo, particularly since the beginning of the civil war, through interviews with both victims and perpetrators. Through such interviews, it highlights the social value implicitly placed upon women through acts of gender based violence. This video is a poignantly tool for highlighting the effects of war, gender based violence, etc. However, due to the graphic detail explored in some of the interviews, it comes with a trigger warning.
Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI)
Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) is an organisation which seeks to improve conditions and advance the rights and equality of trans* people and their families, in Ireland. Resources, information and publications can be found on their website.
We should all be feminists- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (TEDxEuston)
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, author and self-defined “happy Feminist”, discusses her experience of gender inequalities and provides a compelling social analysis of the socialisation process and effects of gender inequalities. Questioning “what does feminism mean today?” she provides an enlightening definition rooted in inclusion and awareness. This is a fantastic resource for engaging individuals and groups in the process of deconstructing the concept of “gender” and challenging the socialization process.
Women Deliver
“Women Deliver believes that when the world invests in girls and women, everybody wins”. Women Deliver is a global advocacy organization which aims to drive progress in maternal, sexual and reproductive health and rights by sparking political commitment and investment in the health, rights and well-being of girls and women.
PDF Infographic:
Wrecking Ball (Miley Cyrus) Parody- Bart Baker
A parody of Miley Cyrus’ infamous “Wrecking Ball” music video, created by the Youtuber Bart Baker. In it, he highlights the sexualisation of female pop stars and associated issues, Please note- this video is useful for instigating conversation amongst groups of older young people and may not be appropriate for younger age categories due to explicit content. Equally, other videos produced by Bart Baker are not necessarily endorsed by this resource list.