Welcome to the October edition of DE News, the development education e-bulletin of NYCI.
September and October have been particularly busy for NYCI’s development education team as we prepare for One World Week, and our youth worker exchange between Zambia and Ireland. Information on these initiatives, and others, as well as updates from other development education actors in youth work and the development sectors is below! We are also currently developing a new website which will be available online soon.
If you have information that you would like to see included in DE News, please send the relevant information and details to elainem@nyci.ie, on or before the 1st of each month. DE News is sent during the first week of each month.
Enjoy the newsletter!
Elaine Mahon
NYCI Development Education project officer
1. One World Week, 13-21 November
NYCI’s One World Week is a week of youth-led action and awareness-raising. This year’s theme in ‘Framing Our World – Images and Messages in Development’. Training sessions are now being delivered throughout the country. During One World Week there will be two central events. These will be run in Cork (Saturday 13 November) and Dublin (Saturday 20 November) where youth groups come together to display the work they have done on the theme of images and messages in development, and take action together. In addition, a limited number of mini-grants of up to €300 per organisation are available from NYCI to support community and youth organisations to run a central event in their local area during One World Week. Please contact deved@nyci.ie if you would like an application form.
2. NYCI represent Dóchas Development Education Group at CONCORD’s DARE forum
In May 2010, Elaine Mahon, Development Education project officer at NYCI, took over from John Smith of Trócaire as the new Irish representative at the Development Education Forum of CONCORD, renamed the DARE forum (Development Awareness-Raising and Education). CONCORD is the confederation of European non-governmental organisations (NGOs) for relief and development. Elaine will be attending the next meeting of the DARE forum in Brussels on 13-14 October. As chair of the newly established Youth & Children working group, Elaine has been involved in organising a joint event between DARE and the European Youth forum. The DARE meeting is preceded by a 2-day feedback conference on the European Commission’s interim report on DEAR (development education and awareness-raising study). If you would like to comment on the study, please send your submissions to elainem@nyci.ie. The DARE forum will be followed by a seminar by the European Youth Forum on 15 October, at which Elaine will be part of a panel contributing to discussion on ‘how to ensure the involvement of young people in development through development education’. More information will be available on www.youthdeved.ie after the events!
3. Next meeting of the Youth Advisory group, Saturday 16 October
NYCI’s development education Youth Advisory Group (YAG) are meeting for the last time in 2010 on Saturday 16 October. The YAG will advise us at the meeting on the organisation of the central events for One World Week 2010. If you know someone who would like to join our YAG – and is aged between 16-20 years – more information is available from deved@nyci.ie.
4. NYCI Zambia-Ireland youth worker exchange 2010
The first leg of the Zambia-Ireland youth worker exchange takes place in Zambia from 28 October – 8 November with participating youth leaders from YMCA, Foróige Blanchardstown Youth Service and EIL. 5 Zambian youth workers will return to Ireland for the second leg of the exchange from 11 – 24 November. If your group is interested in meeting the Zambian youth workers, please contact deved@nyci.ie with ideas for the meeting.
5. NYCI consultation with the youth sector on development education
Many thanks to all those who participated in focus groups, completed the online questionnaire, and/or agreed to be interviewed. The consultation will inform our work for the coming years. We will be sharing the findings in the coming months as we develop our work plan.
6. Comhlámh Options and Issues Course, Galway, Saturday 9 October
Comhlámh are running a course ‘Options and Issues’ which is ideal for anyone who is thinking about going to volunteer overseas or work towards global development. It takes place in the Galway One World Centre on Saturday 9 October from 9.45am – 5pm. Cost to attend is €25 (for the unwaged); €35 (for Comhlámh members) and €45 (for non-members). To register contact kate@comhlamh.org or by phone on 01-4783490.
7. Act Now on 2015 Campaign Update
NYCI is a member of Act Now on 2015 campaign on delivering Ireland’s aid promise. The campaign had a banner on Liberty Hall, Dublin, in September during the UN MDG summit in New York.
8. World Food Day Conference with Gorta, 15 October, Dublin
Gorta host a conference ‘United Against Hunger: how to Feed a Billion People’ on World Food Day, Friday 15 October. The conference takes place in the Gresham Hotel, O’Connell Street, Dublin 2. Contact rsvp@gorta.org to register or for more information.
9. Afri Hedge School 2010 on Food Sovereignty, 23 October, Dublin
On 23 October, Afri in assocation with Kimmage Development Studies Centre (KDSC) host an event combining conversation, debate, music and fun on the theme of food sovereignty and the causes of global hunger. For more information see www.afri.ie
10. ECO-UNESCO new resource ‘Youth for the Future’
This resource is a peer educaton handbook for young people and adult leaders, through ECO-UNESCO’s Youth for Sustainable Development Programme. The resource outlines how to develop Peer Education programmes, activities to try and further links and contacts on sustainable development. To order a copy contact 01-662 5491 or email admin@ecounesco.ie. The price of the resource is €9.50 plus postage costs.
11. DDCI new resource ‘How the World Works’
The Debt and Development Coalition Ireland (DDCI) has brought out a resource for teachers called ‘How the World Works’ which looks at causes and consequences of global inequality. A CD is also included in the pack available from DDCI. The resource is available to download for free at: http://www.debtireland.org/images/downloads/how%20the%20world%20works.pdf
12. Centre for Global Education seminar ‘Global Education across Europe – actors, approaches, debates and recent trends’ Wednesday 26 January, Belfast
The Centre for Global Education will deliver a ‘Global Education across Europe’ seminar on Wednesday, 26 January from 10:30am to 4pm in Belfast (venue TBC) faciliated by Johannes Krause who has been involved in global education at European level since 2003. The workshop will introduce the major development education/global education actors, co-ordination and support structures and policy debates at European level. Aspects of good practice in DE/GE will also be highlighted, including examples from projects across Europe. The workshop will consist of presentations by the facilitator contributing ideas, knowledge and examples from the European DE/GE landscape, as well as more participatory and discussion-based elements in which participants are motivated to bring in their own experiences with and understandings of DE/GE and to relate these experiences to the inspirations coming from Europe. For more information and to register, please contact Jenna Coriddi, Training and Research Officer: jenna@centreforglobaleducation.com, tel: +44 (0)28 9024 1879.
13. Show Racism the Red Card launch Creative Competition for 2011
Show Racism the Red Card (SRTRC) are now inviting teachers/tutors and youth workers to register to participate in the Anti-Racism Creative Competition 2011. Following a viewing of the SRTRC DVD, they encourage young people to use their creativity to produce a written, visual or audio-visual peice arising from the themes of the Show Racism the Red Card DVD. Last year 62 schools and youth services participated. Entries came in the form of poems, written articles, pictures, paintings, DVD, songs and the winning entry was in the form of a comic book. More information about the competition, entry instructions, terms and conditions are at: www.theredcard.ie. There is also an ideas box to give inspiration. Get Involved!