Welcome to DE News February 2011, the Development Education e-newsletter of the National Youth Council of Ireland. We hope your year has gotten off to a positive and active start! DE News contributes to NYCI’s role of supporting development education in youth work.
As part of that role, this month’s newsletter contains information on plenty of new and exciting opportunities, including the re-launch of the NYCI Development Education Resource Library, the NYCI Global Justice in Youth Work course (FETAC level 5) run jointly with YMCA, and lots of other initiatives from the youth sector. Please pass this newsletter on to anyone who may be interested in receiving it. They can subscribe here. If you would like to have information included in the next newsletter in March, please email information to elainem@nyci.ie on or before the 1st March.
Elaine Mahon
Development Education Project Officer, NYCI
News from NYCI
1. NYCI Development Education Resource Library re-launching this Friday 4 February!
2. Embedding development education in youth work – opportunities for youth organisations
3. Call for good practice examples of development education and intercultural youth work
4. Upcoming training from NYCI
5. Zambia-Ireland Youth Worker Exchange Corner – this month’s article by Himba Malambo, Salvation Army, Zambia
6. NYCI Development Education Advisory Group/Youth Advisory Group first meetings, 2011
News from the sector
7. Comhlámh’s First Wednesday debate
8. Global Education on-line training courses from the North-South centre, Spring 2011
9. ECO-UNESCO Peer Education and Sustainability training
10. Call for partners – 12th University on Youth and Development
11. Come celebrate Gambia’s 46th Independence Anniversary with the Gambia Association, Ireland, 18 February 2011
12. Centre for Global Education seminar, 24-25 February
13. Ubuntu Network day on ‘Critical media literacy for development education’, 28 Feburary 2011
14. Africa Centre Moonlight Talk: 24 February
15. Show Racism the Red Card Anti-Racism Creative Competition, 2011
16. IDEA seminar Beyond 2015, Learning for Global Partnerships: Public Seminar on Development Education and the MDGs, 3 March
17. Stop Climate Chaos in the run-up to the election
18. The Development Education Association (DEA) in the UK has been renamed ‘Think Global’
19. P-Starz hip-hop Workshops
20. Wassa Wassa Workshops
21. EIL Intercultural Learning invites applications for its 2011 Global Awareness Programme scholarship
22. OTLAS – Youth in Action partner-finding tool just launched
23. Dates for your Diary!
1. NYCI Development Education Resource Library re-launching this Friday 4 February!
This Resource Library is a collection of books, activity packs, reports, publications and videos/dvds compiled by NYCI’s Development Education Programme over the years on issues related to global justice and youth work. The library has recently been updated and will be relaunched on our website this Friday 4 February!! The resources are available on loan to anywhere on the island of Ireland and for up to one month. There is no fee to loan the books, but costs must be covered by the borrower in returning the book to NYCI. If you have a resource you wish to have included in the resource library, please contact elainem@nyci.ie. We look forward to loaning many books following the relaunch of the library this Friday 4 February 2011!
2. Embedding development education in youth work work – opportunities for youth organisations
Thank you to those youth organisations who contacted us following our Call to youth organisations interested in embedding development education in their organisation in January’s edition of DE News. We are now following up with those organisations. If your youth organisation is still interested in availing of this support from NYCI, please contact us or visit our site.
3. Call for good practice examples of development education and intercultural youth work
NYCI is inviting youth organisations to submit examples of good practice with young people in development education and intercultural youth work. The examples will be featured on NYCI’s site in the run-up to 21 March (International Day against Racism). If you have a project you would like to have included, please contact elainem@nyci.ie.
4. Upcoming training from NYCI
Development Education training is available to youth organizations in two ways: Youth Workers can attend the trainings listed on the website, or if you are interested in hosting one of these trainings in your organization, please contact Alan@nyci.ie or phone 01-4255932.
- Global Justice in Youth Work: FETAC Level 5 – This training is taking place in Dublin and is run over 2 residentials running from 3 – 5 March & 24 – 26 March 2011. Participation in all six days is mandatory. Places are limited and registration deadline is Friday 18th February. To register, click here.
- Graphic Harvesting: This full-day training takes place on Monday 21 March at the Film Base, Curved Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 from 10am – 4.30pm. Fee: €50 which includes light lunch and a graphic facilitators’ starter pack. This is hosted by NYCI Development Education & Youth Arts programmes and facilitated by Eimear McNally from IDEA. To register, click here.
- International Youth Work & Development Education: This evening training on Tuesday 5th April 2011 at the Carmelite Community Centre, Aungier street, Dublin 2. This training will provide information on funding opportunities to do Development Education activities through an International programme in your organization.
- Liberties College– are you interested in undertaking FETAC Level 5 accredited training in Youth Work Studies? The Liberties College in the heart of Dublin 8 is holding an interview day on Saturday 5th March 2011. This is planned to be the only date for interviews for course admission in the 2011/2012 academic year. If you are interested in exploring the opportunities this course can offer you, visit the website. The NYCI works in partnership with the Liberties College to deliver FETAC Level 5 Global Justice in Youth Work training to youth workers on this course.
Intercultural Training
- Embedding Diversity in Youth Work: Thursday 24 February, Waterford city.
- Designing and Delivering a session on Intercultural Awareness: Tuesday 8 February, Monaghan (this course is open to anyone who has done training on Intercultural Awareness in the past).
- Developing an Intercultural Policy and Implementation Plan: March (Date TBC), Dublin.
For more information, click here and for registration, please contact training@nyci.ie or call 01-4784122
5. Zambia-Ireland Exchange Corner – this month’s article by involvemento, Salvation Army, Zambia
Throughout 2011, NYCI will continue to support those individuals and organisations who participated in this youth worker exchange by providing fora for contact and ongoing invovlvement in youth work and development education with young people in Ireland and Zambia. A new ‘exchange corner’ is now in place for those involved in the exchange to share their experience, views and feedback of their participation. Each month an article will be featured by an individual or organisation involved in the exchange. This month’s article is written by Himba Malambo who was a Zambian participant in the 2009 youth worker exchange. For more, click here.
6. NYCI Development Education Advisory Group/Youth Advisory Group first meetings of 2011
The first meeting of the NYCI DE Advisory Group for 2011 is Thursday 17 February from 5-7pm. The meeting will take place in the City of Dublin YMCA, Aungier Street. This meeting is open to members of the Advisory Group and NYCI staff only. If you are interested in joining the group, more information is available here. The Youth Advisory Group will meet in Dublin on Saturday 12 March from 11am – 4pm. Please contact elainem@nyci.ie or alan@nyci.ie for full details.
7. Comhlámh’s First Wednesday debate
Comhlámh, and the Children’s Rights Alliance, is pleased to host a public discussion on the motion “Ending 21st Century Slavery, Child trafficking – Whose problem to solve?” on 2 February 2011, from 6.15pm – 7.45pm at Bewley’s Cafe Theatre, Grafton Street, Dublin 2. This will be followed by an open Q&A session. Entrance is free but space is limited to 50. For latest information please contact: Arthur Gaffney at: admin@comhlamh.org or visit www.comhlamh.org.
8. Global Education on-line training courses from the North-South centre, Spring 2011
This introductory online training course on global education (GE), with a particular focus on human rights (HR), targets practitioners in the field of education and development, teachers, social and youth workers, as well as policy-makers, civil servants and local and regional authorities. The four-week course involves 8 hours of learning per week, which includes reading, discussion and response to interactive exercises. The dates for the Spring session are 28 February – 25 March.
9. ECO-UNESCO Peer Education and Sustainability training
ECO-UNESCO is now registering participants for a Peer Education and Sustainability Training. This one-day training examines recent developments in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Participants will learn how to develop a Peer Education approach centered on the principles of sustainability and leadership on Friday 4 February 2011 from 10am-4pm at The Greenhouse, 17 St. Andrew Street, Dublin 2. Fee: €80 Statutory, €50 Community and Voluntary Sector (subsidised by Irish Aid). For further information or to make a booking, please contact Hedda, clubs@ecounesco.ie or by phone: 01 662 5491.
10. Call for partners – 12th University on Youth and Development
Please find here the call for activities/partners and the activity proposal form for the 12Associationty on Youth and Development, to be held in the CEULAJ, Mollina, Spain, 18-25 September 2011. More information is available here. The deadline for submission of proposals is the 13 February 2011 to nsc.youthandglobalisation@coe.int.
11. Come celebrate Gambia’s 46th Independence Anniversary with the Gambia Februaryion, Ireland, 18 February 2011
The Gambia Association Ireland invite you to celebrate with them the Gambia’s 46th Independence Anniversary on the 18 February 2011, at the Teachers Club on 36 Parnell Square West (Opposite Rotunda Hospital). Please pass on the information to anyone you know who is interested. All welcome. Please register at gambia.ireland@gmail.com.
12. Centre for Global Education seminar, 24-25 February
“Reflections and Projections: Mapping the past and charting the future of development education” will be held 24-25 February. The conference will review the past challenges and successes of development education, examine how it is viewed and currently fits into the education and development sectors, and debate how we can proactively work together to address the major challenges being faced today, including advancing research, diversifying funding and advocating for sectoral support. Fees for Thursday and Friday: £40 (€50) waged/£20 (€25) unwaged; Friday only: £30 (€35) waged/£15 (€20). Fees include wine reception on Thursday evening and lunch on Friday. For more information and to register, contact Jenna February Training and Research Officer: jenna@centreforglobaleducation.com or +44 (0)28 9024 1879.
13. Ubuntu Network day on ‘Critical media literacy for development education’, 28 Feburary 2011
The Ubuntu Network is pleased to invite you to a day of dialogue on “Media stories and messages: Critical Media Literacy for development education’. This event is relevant to educators (formal and non-formal sectors) with an interest in using media as a pedagogical tool to enhance learning and engagement with local and global development issues. It has a particular focus on teacher education but will also relate to other academic disciplines. The session runs Monday 28 Feburary (9am – 4.30pm) at the National College of Art and Design, Thomas Street, Dublin. To register: Email deirdre.hogan@ul.ie or phone 061 233 289 by 14 February.
14. Africa Centre Moonlight Talk: 24 February
Africa Centre Moonlight Talk: 24 February, 6.30 pm, The Central Hotel, Exchequer Street, Dublin 2. African storytelling will be followed by a World Café type event to facilitate discussion of development issues. All welcome – please RSVP to Mbemba Jabbi, E: Mbemba@africacentre.ie, T: 01 8656951.
15. Show Racism the Red Card Anti-Racism Creative Competition, 2011
Show Racism the Red Card (SRTRC) is inviting teachers/tutors and youth workers to register to participate in the Anti-Racism Creative Competition 2011. Following a viewing of the SRTRC DVD, they encourage young people to use their creativity to produce a written, visual or audio-visual piece arising from the themes of the DVD. There are already 45 schools and youth services registered. The deadline is end of February 2011. More information about the competition are at www.theredcard.ie.
16. Beyond 2015, Learning for Global Partnerships: IDEA Public Seminar on Development Education and the MDGs, 3 March
Guest Speakers Dr. Peggy Antrobus (DAWN) and Roberto Bissio (Instituto del Tercer Mundo and Social Watch) will offer a critical perspective on the MDGs, as actors in development outside of Europe. The seminar will also critically explore the role of Development Education in achieving the MDGs, in particular Goal 8- Building Global Partnerships. FREE but registration essential – email Eimear in IDEA – info@ideaonline.ie before 23 February.
17. Stop Climate Chaos in the run-up to the election
The Stop Climate Chaos coalition – of which NYCI is a member – will be pressing election candidates over the next weeks to commit to supporting strong climate action in Ireland under the next government, so that we can ensure we are doing our part at home to tackle the global injustice of climate change. Young people and youth organisations have a crucial role to play in changing the debate – it is our future at stake and our voices must be heard! Remember this issue when election candidates come to your door. If you are interested in learning more, visit the Stop Climate Chaos website for more information and if you need ideas on what you can say to election candidates.
18. The Development Education Association (DEA) in the UK has been renamed ‘Think Global’
A new and interesting publication on Global Learning in Schools has been produced by Think Global (formally known as DEA) in the UK. The resource ‘Global Learning in Schools: A review of what works’ is available free to download from the DEA site.
19. P-Starz hip-hop Workshops
If you are interested in exploring global justice issues through hip-hop, NYCI Development Education team can highly recommend P-Starz, a young music band of 3 members based in Dublin who aim to influence as many young people as possible through music, by going to different schools, youth work groups and organising music workshops for the young people. P-Starz emphasise positivity in every aspect of life. For more information, please contact PJ on: 086-8602537 or by email: pj063@hotmail.com or see their Facebook page. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact elainem@nyci.ie or seeing the NYCI review of P-Starz here.
20. Wassa Wassa Workshops
Wassa Wassa Workshops – providers of drum, dance, art & cultural awareness workshops nationwide – are seeking a youth group in the Dublin area to work with on a summer project with legend of African Drum & Dance, Mr. Amara Kante. The project would tie in well with groups who are already working around issues of interculturalism, integration and global awareness, and might also interest youth groups working with migrants, immigrants, refugees or asylum seekers. Amara Kante will be in Ireland from the 10-30 July 2011 and we will be working together to facilitate workshops based around drumming, dance, cultural awareness and embracing diversity. For further details contact: wassawassaworkshops@gmail.com or call 045 845160/ 086 3551461.
21. EIL Intercultural Learning invites applications for its 2011 Global Awareness Programme scholarship
The Global Awareness Programme is an exciting training, volunteering and awareness raising project focussing on HIV/AIDS. Four people will be chosen to participate on the programme. The participants will: Attend training on HIV/AIDS issues in Ireland; Attend a training on Media Skills; Volunteer for 8 weeks in a HIV/AIDS organisation in South Africa or Nigeria; Plan and implement an awareness raising campaign around HIV/AIDS on their return to Ireland. Bursaries are available to help with the costs.
For further information, including application form, please log onto the EIL site or contact Caterina Totaro at: caterina@eilireland.org T: 021 4551535. The closing date for applications is 25 March at 5pm.
22. OTLAS – Youth in Action partner-finding tool just launched
Do you want to find new contacts for your youth exchange, send a volunteer or find the missing partner for your project? Otlas is the new central partner finding tool for the youth field. It is developed by SALTO Information Resource Centre, in cooperation with the SALTO network and the National Agencies and was publicly launched on 31 January, 2011. Otlas helps you with the first steps in project building & finding partners for your international activities in the youth field. You ca search the database to find the perfect match for your organisation or project; add your organisation to show your interest in international cooperation; Create project ideas and partner requests to get others to contact you. For more information on Otlas, see the SALTO site. For more information on international opportunities, see the NYCI international site.
23. Dates for your Diary!
- 3 February: Chinese New Year
- 28 February – 13 March: Fair trade Fortnight
- 8 March: International Women’s Day
- 9 March: Ash Wednesday
- 17 March: St. Patrick’s Day www.stpatricksfestival.ie
- 21 March: International Day against Racism (and the European-wide Action Week Against Racism, 14-27 March 2011)