- increase in line with seasonal trends but
- over 11,000 young people long-term unemployed still far too high
- Youth council calls for investment to halve this figure
The National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) has highlighted concerns at the number of young people who are long term unemployed. New figures released today (06.07.17) by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) show that the number of those aged under 25 signing on the Live Register in June 2017 was 31,732. This represents an increase of 1,479 compared to the May 2017 figure of 30,253.*
Concern at long-term unemployed young people
Commenting on the figures James Doorley, NYCI deputy director said: “While we are disappointed at the increase in young people signing on, this can – in part – be explained by seasonal trends. Of even greater concern is the high number of long-term unemployed young people. The overall decrease in youth unemployment since 2012 has been welcome; however, we must not lose sight of the underlying problem of long term youth unemployment. At 11,711, a substantial cohort of young people has been unemployed for 12 months or more, with 3,683 unemployed for 3 years or more.”**
Call to halve long-term unemployment among youth
“We are calling on Government to commit to reducing the number of young people under 26 who are long term unemployed to under 5,000 by the end of 2018. It is vital we support young jobseekers into education, training and work experience and prevent the drift into long-term joblessness. This will require a renewed focus on the implementation of the EU Youth Guarantee and the provision of additional education and training places,” explained Mr Doorley.
“We recommend an additional investment of €47.4m in Budget 2018 to reduce the number of young people long term unemployed by the end of 2018.*** This is the gross cost as this investment would lead to reduced social welfare payments as more young people move into employment that would save €33.4m per annum. As the economy recovers we should be much more ambitious in tackling long term unemployment in particular among young people. Our proposals are achievable and we look forward to engaging with the new Taoiseach on this issue in the coming weeks,” concluded Mr Doorley.
Contact Daniel Meister, NYCI Communications Manager on 087 781 4903 or 01 425 5955 or communications@nyci.ie
Notes to Editors:
*CSO statistical release, 06 July 2017. Live register:
**Parliamentary Questions: Written answers http://oireachtasdebates.oireachtas.ie/debates%20authoring/debateswebpack.nsf/takes/dail2017050400069?opendocument#WRM00200
*** This is based on the average cost of a SOLAS training place of €7,578, to provide the required 6,700 places would require an investment of €50.7m. This cost would be off-set by reduced social welfare payments of up to €35.7m per annum. Cost of young person on Jobseekers Allowance (lower rate) is €5340 per annum. The estimated saving is based on 6,700 fewer young people in receipt of this payment.
About National Youth Council of Ireland
NYCI is a membership-led umbrella organisation that represents and supports the interests voluntary youth organisations and uses its collective experience to act on issues that impact on young people.