Welcome to Week 2 of ‘Building Blocks for Well Being’
Building Blocks for Wellbeing is a weekly initiative which aims to provide support to the youth worker through weekly mindfulness practices and activities. Building Blocks for Wellbeing is not a training or a substitute to meditation/mindfulness training but additional support to assist the ongoing wellbeing of youth workers both at this unprecedented time, and long after Covid-19.
Last week we introduced you to the first practice Stop, Pause, Connect a practice to support the Youth Worker when contacting the young person, families or work colleagues.
This week, we want you to develop that practice further by introducing you to ‘Breath, Allow, Let Go’
Breathe Allow Let Go – is a practice which is approximately 3 minutes, that can be used after you have made contact with a young person or a colleague.
In some instances, the need for difficult conversations and interactions between youth workers and colleagues may often arise. This can cause personal worry and stress. This practice will facilitate you in developing the ability not to ruminate on this point and cause stress intensifying thoughts which creates anxiety.
The practice is not a training, but can be used by youth workers with no prior experience of meditation or mindfulness and by youth workers who have already taken part in previous mindfulness programmes like: Caring for the Carers.
Listen to Breathe Allow Let Go: