During September 2010, three all-day training workshops were organised to promote the One World Week Theme ‘Images and Messages in Development’ in the context of cultural competency and our own perspectives.
The full day training sessions took place with youth leaders, volunteers and youth work students in TPearse Street Library, Dublin (Thursday 9 September); the Gaf Youth cafe, Galway (Thursday 16 September), and Manor Strret Youth and Community Centre, Waterford (Tuesday 21 September).
The sessions were designed together between the development eduation and intercultural officers in NYCI and linked the images we receive about the Global South and the consequences of the often biased stereotypes they project. What is the impact of stereotypical images of poverty? And how does that inform our opinions of individuals from the Global South living in Ireland? The course debated the international development agenda to promote a balanced, just approach to global justice. Participants were encouraged to look at the stories behind the images we receive and challenge the related notions of superiority/inferiority on a global level. The course also gave the participants ideas, skills and confidence to explore critical literacy with the young people they work with.
Masks made for the One World Week central action 2010
All participants received a One World Week Pack ‘Framing Our World – Images and Messages in Development’ along with information about further training available on the issues, the One World Week central action of mask-making and the One World Week central events in Cork and Dublin in November 2010 which participants were encouraged to attend with their youth groups.
Participants expressed their positive experience of the workshop in the evaluations:
“It got me thinking about people’s perceptions and how we can have ‘tunnel vision’ without even realising.” (Participant, Waterford)
“It really made me aware of how important critical thinking is when working with young people.” (Participant, Waterford)
“Activities were great to keep the interest and energy levels up!” (Participant, Waterford)
“The activities were really informative and relevant.” (Participant, Dublin)
For more information, contact deved@nyci.ie.